Ok, I will outline the Bush tax plan, and give my thoughts. My professional opinion will be given 1st- followed by my personal opinion in <>.
Change tax rates from a five rate to a 4 rate structure- 10, 15, 25 & 33 %. = I do not think they can afford this, with a possible recission coming up. <Again, helps the rich far more, in terms of both % and total $$ saved>
Double the child tax credit to $1000- and expand it so higher income families can take advantage of it = easy to do, and likely has bi-partisan support. <However, where is the cut for us single wage-earners?, also, the expansion helps the weathly only, as it now begins to phase out at $110,000 of TAXABLE income>
Reduce the so-called “marriage penalty” by restoring the 10% ded for 2 earner families. = Not a bad way to do it, since this was already on the tax laws prior to 1986. Can be a computational problem for some, tho. <Well, Reagan & Dubs Daddy thought this was an unnessesary complication, and got rid of it>
Grant a deduction for charitable contibutions for taxpayers who do not itemize. =They tried this before, and it was subject to massive abuse- besides, that is what the std deduction is for.
Etend the new charitable tax credit to corps by making them eleigable for a credit of 50% of the 1st $1000 donated. + Every tax credit has been abused- this one will be too. <Hell, why don’t they just say that “we are gonna cut $500 bucks off every corps tax bill- and thanks for the support”?>
Permit families to make charitable contibutions from IRAs without being taxed on the withdrawel. = Ok, this one simply makes no tax sense at all. How the heck can you tell that the $$ was withdrawn to make a contribution? Will also reduce savings- a bad idea.
raise the cap on corp charitable contibutions. < Is this needed? Can you say “corporate welfare”?>
Eliminate the Estate tax.= Subject to abuses. Folks will start calling payments 'gifts" as they will no longer be taxed at all. <Again- help only for the very wealthy>
Provide a tax credit of up to $2000/ys for health insurance for families making less than $30,000/yr. = Umm, Families under 30K already get about 19K in std ded, so the tax is some $1600, and then subtract the Child credit <$1K>, the Child care credit <$1K>, and there just is not much tax left (in fact- there will be 0 tax). And that’s at the max of 30K. <So, this is just to sound good, or doesn’t Bush have any one who can do the math?>