Bush: There is No "Plan B"


Because he “told them it had to”?

Why the fuck didn’t he “tell them it had to” work three or four plans ago? Cheeses Og, that man is so stupid, I’m surprised he can eat a bowl of pretzels without adult supervision.

That’s exactly what Pelosi asked him after he said it, according to the articles I’ve seen.

I don’t care what your mother told you on your wedding night, but “pulling out” is never a good way to prevent [del]pregnancy[/del]insurgency.

‘‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’’

“Dance with the one who brung you.”

Like John Mace, I’m not convinced they every really had a Plan A.


I just caught five minutes or so of the interview driving home from the grocery store, and I’ve gotta say, I lost a lot of respect for Juan Williams. He let a couple of whoppers slip by with zero followup.


Q: A lot of people have called your health insurance plan a tax increase on those who get health insurance from their employers.

A: It’s not an “increase,” Juan, it’s just a change in the tax code.

Q: You betcha. On to the next question. What do you intend to do about the budget deficit?

A: Well, when the Republicans were in control of Congress, they exercised fiscal restraint.

Q: Sweet! Next up…

Grow a pair, Juan.

I sometimes tell people that if I concentrate hard enough, I can make a red traffic light turn green just by the sheer power of my mind.

Bush seems to think he can make one turn purple.

Well? What did he say? Did she let him end the conversation without addressing that question?

Maybe we should get her a proctor for her next bag of Snyder’s of Hanover.

Why didn’t he tell them it had to work the other two times?

The part that keeps amazing me is the idea that we are the only ones with any will.

I am especially impressed by how people like this seem to insist that everyone pull themselves up by their bootstraps like anyone that can’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps are lazy bums.

That is the most scary, disheartening thing I have read in a a long time.

Draw your own conclusion.

It gets scarier as you go along. (Stephen King is for pussies!) If there’s an afterlife, the Founding Fathers are weeping. I hope that whomever holds the Oval Office next at least has some idea of what to do. Otherwise, we’re doomed.

I’m reminded of Greg ‘Pappy’ Boyington’s autobiography Baa Baa Black Sheep. He describes the AVG pilots’ covert crossing of the Pacific literally on a ‘slow boat to China’. Poker was a popular passtime. One passenger, a Swede, kept losing every hand. He was laughing. When asked why, when he was losing so much money, he was laughing, the Swede said, ‘I have to laugh; otherwise I’d be crying.’

After reading the quote, I feel like the Swede.

He’s got another year and a half left - you think we’re not already doomed?

I’m cautiously optimistic that it will still be possible to pull our shit out of the fire by then. Otherwise, what’s the point in living?

And it would have worked too if not for all that yellow sand in the Middle East.

And those meddling kids! Don’t forget about them!

Well, you might get laid or something …

Some “get laid”, a whole lot of “or something”.

Am I wrong in thinking that Bush is praying for another 9-11 to get him out of his current mess?

I doubt he is, it would kinda kill his ‘fight them there instead of here’ talking point.

Considering how much credit he claimed in the latest SOTU address for preventing further terrorist attacks on U.S. soil . . . nah. You’re probably right, more’s the pity.