Bush's poll numbers dropping: can't fool all of the people all the time

Hillary Clinton, President of the United States. I can imagine the absolute bitter ranting and abject frothing at the mouth of the ultra right if that happened. Heck, think of the movie Scanners. Even better, Bill as “First Man”. Heh heh heh. . .
On Dean:


Knowledge is power, and suchforth.

I take it that Limbaugh is the one floating this idea? Nice try.


Dumbest attempt at WMD spin control yet.

Yeah, no sense looking for unicorns and the tooth fairy either.


More dropping poll numbers for you:


Maybe Curious George should ask his daddy what the phrase “it’s the economy stupid” means.

But but but, the Apologista’s bellow, W’s mighty foreign policy sucesses will cover for him. Really?


Maybe George will continue to shamelessly flog 9/11 as the justification for everything he did. He might not want to, given the 9/11 commmissions report (even though the Bush Administration tried to hamper it).

Cover-up power activate!-- form of — Over-Classification!


Shape of – Withheld Documents!

And who isn’t sharing?

What a surprise. . .


Okay, that’d almost make “President Hillary Clinton” worth having, just to see (and hear) conservative heads-a-oppin’ from coast to coast… :wink:

And while I think Hillary Clinton would be more qualified as PotUS than some of the candidates currently running, I also think that her entry in the race would just bring back by a thousandfold the right-wing mudslinging we had in the '90s. Frankly, I’d rather not go through another four years of the shrill screeches of the radical right if I can avoid it.

Thundering balderdash, sir! If you are not to be revealed to this dignified company as a blackguard, scoundrel and poltroon you must cite!, sir, cite! and at once!
[sub]sure, I could be wrong, but if I can get him to do it, the laugh will be worth it…[/sub]

What the hell…
A quick search on “usual AND suspect”, Author **Monster104 **, all fora, all dates, turns up only this thread
The same with Elucidator turns up Warmongers 10/14/2001

Adding the term “Bush” to the “usual AND suspect” search eliminates spurious references to the movie “the Usual Suspects”, and reveals that dear old Milossarian was probably first to use the term in a political context on 03/08/01

Anti-Bush bias at CBS? Or, Dan would Rather not

Next comes jshore on 05/26/01

Why were the Dems so ineffective in stopping the Bush tax cuts?

Third, but not least, in the use of the term is Sam Stone, engaging in some religious right bashing on 09/14/01

Elucidator wasn’t first, more like fourth, but Monster104 appears to be a total :wally.

That’s it. I’m crushed. For shame, 'lucy. For shame.

I, for one, am keeping an eye out for the unusual suspects. Any minute now, I’m expecting posts from the Queen of England, a Kalahari bushman, and the spirit of Harry Houdini.

I dare say, dear sirs, that since my sum total knowledge of all linguistics come from Hollywood, that Usual Suspects only dates as far back as a 1995 movie. The RIAA will be all over this thread presently. May the Lord have pity on you all, for copyright law will have none, the beast that it is!

Which was itself, of course, referencing Casablanca.

Don’t forget the butler, Miller.

GW: I am shocked, shocked to find out the Uranium claim was known to be false when I said it.

CIA: Your winnings sir.

BTW: the first scapegoat was not enough, so the Bush Administration is pushing a new one out.

and more

They were warned 3 fucking times and still used it. So much for we didn’t know. Written evidence even. Although I am sure the Apologista’s will come up with a compelling explanation. :rolleyes: Or another lame Hillary Clinton hijack attempt. :wink:

anyone else interested in the word selection?

the Nigeria information was “suspect”.

not “obvious forgery” but “suspect”

This, or any, board simply should not allow participation by anyone who has never seen Casablanca. Standards simply must be upheld. They must be.

Mods? Where y’all at?

Trilateral commission meetings. They will be back after deciding who wins the Emmy’s and what new additives to pump into the drinking water.


Watch yourself now or Jack Valenti might have every copy of that ‘alleged’ movie colorized.