Busted by the Boss

I was on Dope. Boss walks in. :eek:

close program
i said close!

Incoming can of whoop-ass!

Boss: Whats that
Me: Uh…urm…it…um…
Boss: Wasting time hey?
Me: Um…no…just…urm
Boss: I’m very disappointed Princess, I cant beleive that you would waste time and company resources, especially when there is so much to do…
Me: Uh…ok…urm…ah…hmmm… :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:
DAMMIT! :mad:

Heheheh. *Always *have another app available on the task bar you can open quickly!

And two seconds later, she’s right back on Dope, telling us about it.

I did :frowning: but the whole damn thing froze…
Stupid computer something something :mad:

I was like…why the hell would that weird-o call you princess…


At least you weren’t looking at this NON-WORKSAFE thread.

“I’m very dissappointed in you”?? Does he think he’s your boss or your daddy? I hate it when asshole bosses talk down to people like that.

What do you wanna bet he was “wasting company time and resources” at his computer not half an hour later…:rolleyes:

I got caught the other day, too. Felt about 2 inches tall…

I agree. I used to care when my bosses would hit me with a guilt trip like that. Now my attitude is, “Do I do a good job? Do I do that good job on time? Yes? Then don’t worry about how I spend my time. Obviously I’m doing something right.”

I used to care… I really did. I wonder what went wrong?

Surely you were going to GQ to ask a question about why your computer keeps freezing at unpredictable intervals…? :smiley:

My boss doesn’t seem to care, as he is always logged on to www.ratemybody.com checking out all of the 18 year old ass. So, he doesn’t comment on my surfing the dope, and I don’t mention anything to his wife about the 18 year old ass.

It works for us.

Too late for you, but a good response to have at hand is “No, not goofing off, just taking a little break - in lieu of going outside and smoking - to check my messages.”

Atheist Princess, don’t you know he’s just keeping a closer eye on you since he read this thread and found out you’re sleeping with his son.

Eep :eek:
I’m in for a long…bumpy…ride…

Alt-tab is your friend.


Blackmail. Gotta love it. :smiley:

So is WIndows+M.