Butt-Hurt Trump Takes to Twitter Again (Part 2)

Sadly, that did happen but it was Instagram. Story.

Seen elsewhere on Twitter: “This is like the battle of the Ironclads, but it’s a billion-dollar 21st-century communications company vs. a senile potato.”

Which other cast members attempted either one, just not both in the same week?

At least now we know he can’t just tweet them to all and sundry.

Hell, that’s been common knowledge for weeks. Orderly transitions take up to eleven weeks to organize and carry out. They don’t just happen.

Someone posted an old tweet thread by a girl whose mom took away her phone. She went on to post from every device she could find, including the refrigerator. I didn’t know you could do that.

So they may soon be able to add “banned from a major appliance” to the HomeAlone2 list.

You know, that’s just gonna be a red flag to Macaulay Culkin…

Now that Twitter has blocked Individual 1’s account, are the old tweets no longer available for historical reference?

Well, just a moment ago I did check, it seems that it was removed. :confused:

Interesting. I’ve proposed many trivia items over the years. You have to go through a vetting process and it takes a while-- sometimes weeks. Some of my items have been accepted and some were rejected. I will say that I’ve never had a trivia item accepted as fast as this one must have been. It was likely an IMDB staffer who did it-- someone who had direct entry into the process. A mere mortal outsider can’t do it (unless someone hacked into the site). Were any of the words spelled with Cyrillic characters?

Why was it removed? Was it factually incorrect?

There are a boatload of rules and guidelines for submitting trivia items. You will find them when you go to submit an item.

I really wish Twitter had given as a reason “we wouldn’t want any victims suing us if our Section 230 protections get removed by the government. So, Donald, you made us do it to protect ourselves.”

Amazon has booted Parler off of AWS, and people are complaining they can’t access it.

It looks like it’s gone from the Apple app store as well.

You can keep tabs on them with Parlertakes “I look at Parler so you don’t have to.”

A lot of anger, a lot of delusion, and a lot of dawning disillusion as well…

Once they rehost, I would think the existing Apps would not function - and no App Store to get new ones. Hmm…

Also keep thinking about how long we put up with the ‘Fail Whale’. Took years for Twitter to solve capacity and stability.

I have not had good luck in getting either Trivia or Goofs entries in. I’ve had quite a few Quotes accepted.

They are back up. Once they found a new host, they just needed to update their DNS entry to point to it. The app points to ‘www.parler.com’ (or similar) and if that resolves to ‘’ (pretend AWS address) or ‘’ (pretend new host address) is not important.