Butthurt Great Americans

Many years ago, I was walking down the street one day when I saw a young woman approaching me from the opposite direction. Something about her vibe told me that here was a mean-girl type who was undoubtedly going to try to clown me in some kind of way, once we got to the personal interaction zone. (i.e., that certain distance where one generally acknowledges passersby on an uncrowded street, if only with a glance.) Well, I was just not at all in the mood for that kind of bullshit that day, not least because she was telegraphing her intentions from clear down the block, making the whole thing tiresomely inevitable.

So just before she got close enough, I closed my eyes, and kept them closed as I walked until I knew I had passed her.

She just couldn’t stand it. “OPEN YOUR EYES!” she screamed, and screamed it again. I’m not making this up. She was infuriated that I was taking away what she considered her right to insult me.

I think something similar is taking place all over America now, as incidents of hateful aggressive actions towards blacks, Muslims, women and transgendered people are piling up. Apparently, even after all this time, a large number of people just didn’t get it, just didn’t catch on that you don’t fuck with people because it’s wrong. Because those “other” people are not other at all – they are, for the most part, just like you. And that variety in types of people and in cultures is good, and fun, and interesting.

No, they’ve only been shutting up for fear of getting caught. They knew that if they acted like a bigot or a sexist in public, they could no longer count on the majority of onlookers agreeing with them, and chortling in glee along with them at their insufferable antics. And they’ve been seething under the surface for years. Because these are the kind of people who need to feel superior to somebody; and if you have absolutely nothing to recommend you or be genuinely proud of, the only way to be “better” is to pretend some other whole class of people has something wrong with them and ought to be ashamed.

Everything was fine as long as these people could disrespect their wives, beat their kids, and publicly humiliate minorities any old time they felt like it. Modern times must have been living hell for these people, because what makes them mad is not that someone is black, or a Muslim, or a woman. It’s that people like that are waking up in the morning thinking they’re just as good as he is.

But it wasn’t until Trump that these people felt free to hate out in the fresh air and sunshine again. Although Trump denies it (come on, who in their right mind would admit it) the fact that he was an unabashed, flagrant racist and sexist of the very worst kind throughout his campaign sent a message to our butthurt bigots that they are better than somebody after all – in fact, they’re better than almost everybody. And that it’s just fine to act out their petty ignorant attitudes violently on their fellow-citizens. You know, the ones who aren’t making America great.

I tell you what, if being great means being a close-minded, half-witted, shallow money-worshipping racist hater, I don’t want to be great. And we’ll need to come up with a new word, because that one’s dirty.

More of a rant than a Great Debate.

Moved to The Pit.


Its you guys fault, you made us do it! We did everything we could short of not supporting him or not voting for him, but we had no choice because e-mails and Benghazi!

Hi brujaja, your opening scene… so, bizarre! And I loved your decision to just close your eyes.

Hear hear, brujaja. And they’re just getting started. Wait for the Supreme Court appointment. And the religious bigotry laws. And new voter supression crap. And the social services- hell, I don’t even know what they plan there.

This sort of harassment has been in the news lately because our President-Elect is also a racist, misogynist, xenophobic asshole, but it’s not anything new. Just happens to be a topic that the media has latched onto recently.

Kinda like the police brutality/racism issue that got big after Ferguson. You think this is new? You don’t think this has been happening the entire time police have existed, everywhere they existed?

It’s not that racist people are emboldened by Trump. Trump just made their common, everyday racism, harassment and violence newsworthy again, for now at least. Next year I’m sure we’ll all go back to pretending that the issue doesn’t exist anymore.

I genuinely like this story. Not sure why, but I do.

(Also, your username is fab too.)

Really? The Democratic party has far more ties to the KKK.

And the kkk (no caps, fuck those guys) endorsed which candidate now?

I look forward to the twisting that will be necessary to make this false equivalence work.

Well, time-twisting, maybe, citing the pre-civil-rights era.

And a Republican freed the slaves don’tcha know.

We all know the party of Lincoln hasn’t changed one bit since 1865.

Yes, he wouldn’t even recognize his party.

If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be rolling over in his grave.

What caused the polar shift…

It got its brains blown out, never recovered?

What, too soon?

Start with Wikipedia: Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia

Apart from David Duke, are any of the people cited on that page still alive? From a quick skim, it looks like at least half of the entries are for people who’ve been dead for fifty years or more.

I get the vague sense you haven’t thought this through.

Probably she was pissed off that some weirdo on the street had his eyes closed and she had to dodge to avoid him bumping into her.

I agree: We should never prejudge a woman by the way she dresses and/or walks. That was the moral of that opening story, right?

I mean, I surely get that there is still a lot of racism and xenophobia out there, and Trump isn’t helping things AT ALL. And we, as a country, need to be vigilant and make sure Trump does not carry out any of the hateful things he talked about during the campaign. We need to do our best to call out bigots and not let them think they get a free pass. Absolutely agree on that.

But why did you start off by telling us about a time when you prejudged someone and then claimed to be able to read her thoughts, too? Perhaps she was concerned for the safety of someone walking down the street with his eyes closed.

elucidator: Not quite sure if you’re posting sincerely or ironically (either one is fine), but I want to state for the record that I hate Hillary equally as much as I hate Trump. I think neither one is fit to hold the office of President. I could not in good conscience vote for either one, so I wrote in somebody else. I used to always say, “If you don’t vote, don’t bitch,” but I believe that doesn’t apply this year because our choice was between Evil Corporate Proxy and Clown Car.

DrCube: You make a good point, and I agree as far as police brutality is concerned; but I was thinking specifically of incidents where Muslim and Mexican citizens were told they were going to be deported while they were being brutalized. I think that kind of incident can indeed be traced back directly to Trump and his ugly rhetoric. It is especially sad that the victims in these incidents were women and children, which tells you a little something about the true nature of racist bravado. The true headline should be, “P***y Grabs Woman.”

Yeah, I think this pitting would have been better without this little anecdote. It doesn’t ring true and it just makes the OP sound like a nutter.