Post Democratic Hate Speech Here

Let’s expose the vitriol that the “pure & innocent” Dems are spewing against Trump voters because HE said nasty things.

[QUOTE=Amy Schumer]
Like everyone else I am horrified that people believed these bumper sticker slogans filled with hate he spewed. People who voted for him you are weak. You are not just misinformed. You didn’t even attempt information. You say lock her up and you know something about the word email but what was in the emails? You have no clue. Well I’ll tell you if you were able to read this far through the holes in your sheet.

I don’t know what this is - but if it is anything it is more resembling something that belongs in The Pit.

Moved to The Pit.


I don’t know what that is, either. Amy Schumer is a comedian – think George Carlin for a comparison. And nothing that she said there is in any way either hateful or untrue. She is saying that most of the voters who supported Trump are uninformed and largely clueless. Which is true, and I would also add “gullible”, since 73% (by one count) of what came out of Trump’s pie-hole was a lie, and his ignorance of virtually all policy matters was as obvious as his pathological narcissism.

The OP seems like a failed attempt at something, but I don’t know what.

If you think that’s hate speech, you’re more thin-skinned that The Cheeto.

Maybe you need a safe place to huddle in.

Amy Schumer is right on the money.

Jesus Fucking Christ. You are the sorest bunch of winners I’ve ever seen. Yes, we progressives think that some/many of you are fact shy and dumb. You want validation for voting with your feelings? See your therapist. But hurry. Before you repeal the ACA.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Just like non-whites cannot be racist Hillary supporters cannot be hateful or violent. Those rioters breaking store windows and blocking intersections and freeways are plants by Trump to make Dems look bad.

Besides every single American is an evil bigoted racist white supremacist Nazi Satan. If they weren’t Trump would not have won.

That’s your opening example?

Stop it. Your crying only fuels The Super Satan Hitler Trump.

No, thank you. I’d prefer to bridge the divide, not continue to throw bombs at each other.

Take the high road, dude.

Wow! Looks like the Mod made a good call putting this in the Pit. Let’s stoke those flames.
I guess Democrats think beating someone up is better than grabbing a woman’s vagina.

So that was a joke?! Then she is less funny than I thought so now that’s like negative funny.

Running for President. Oh wait that was somebody else.

Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Smurf.

It was the inspiration for the thread. If I wanted to I could pull up a lot better examples just from this Board.

Dude, You’ve posted pretty much the same post more than a dozen times in the past week. I think everyone gets your point.

Oh, and fuck Trump sideways.

You forgot deplorable. And don’t forget not only are Trump voters dumb, they don’t even attempt information [sic].

As for being sore winners, who are the one’s rioting and insulting their opponent’s voters? Could it be the Democrats who constantly tell us there should be no civics or intelligent test or anything to prevent someone from voting? That is until you lose and then voters are too stupid to vote for the correct candidate?

Your candidate won. Trump won. You’ve finally succeeded in putting a complete moron in the white house. Congratulations. That’s quite the accomplishment.

I’m sorry that’s not enough for you.

Shows how you don’t attempt information because I’ve made it pretty clear over the last month that I am a Johnson supporter. I voted for him so way to be observant. But thank you for playing.

They’re just following the example of their leader.


I think you’ve got an overblown sense of importance if you think I have the slightest idea of who you intended to vote for.

Please accept my apology for throwing you into the same basket with the rest of the deplorables.

Want a hug?

Is this the right place to remind Republicans who attacked Bill Clinton’s moral failings about what a bunch of lying fucking hypocrites they are?