
Seriously? Is this a whoosh?

I am sorry. I swear I am not 12. But I can not stop laughing. It is not just the knife fight thing. It is that he said in some cultures. I think it was the Mexican culture? ‘butthurt = Mexican knife fight’.

Well, it wasn’t that exactly, but that is how I remember it. Funnier that way.

Do people you know actually use butthurt in everyday situations? While I’ve seen it on various forums, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone actually call someone butthurt in a normal conversation. I think there’s a whole set of terms that work on the internet but just don’t work in real life unless in the context of the internet or gaming. For instance, if I’m having a political discussion, I think it would be obnoxious to call a particular policy “fail” or “noob”, but if I’m discussing WoW with a friend, I think the terms “fail” and “noob” are appropriate and I have used them in that context. So, I can kind of see using butthurt on the Dope, though I do think it lowers the level of discourse, but if you’re having an argument with some friends and they call you butthurt, unless they just fragged and you’re whining about it, they’re an idiot.

And to me, I don’t see responses of “don’t get all butthurt” and much different than “L2Spell noob”. More times than not, it seems to me that when someone calls their opposition butthurt, ironically it’s because they’re out of actual points to continue their argument and it’s just another form of ad hominem. So at that point, why really bother?

Those sites are along the lines of the places I’ve seen butthurt used the most. I completely agree that it really has little place on the Dope simply because we should be striving to have more meaningful debate. I can just imagine now… “obama is teh suxxor” “omg ur just butthurt cuz u lost teh electshun”. When people use that term in a serious context then, like you said, I’d just realize that they can’t have a serious discussion about that topic and move on.

This may well be on my end since this is the second time this has happened, but I get nothing useful from your link. Or, specifically:

No. It was an online community much like the Dope, just more real-time. I had a position very much like the mods here. Like the Dope, there were a lot of members that weren’t exactly friends, and while we had no reason to kick them out, we did have some responsibility to make sure everyone played together nicely. Some of the more aggressive members tended to throw around butthurt a lot when we tried raising issues as politely as we could. It’s where I first starting hating the word. You can’t argue reasonably when someone blows you off with it, because they’re not interested in being reasonable.

I don’t have any friends who use it. I don’t associate with pricks.

Butthurt, Munch?

Fair enough, I can understand finding the word annoying in that context. Calling a mod butthurt because they’re telling you to cut something off is obnoxious.

Shut up, bunghole.


I fuXXored up the coding and now I’m butthurt. I’ll have to challenge the coding to a knife fight.

“No, not cry; but I am developing an Eric Kleibold-like festering level of resentment towards your petty attempts to bully. Well, never mind-we’ll meet again soon- Hey, where’r you running off to?”

More likely, unsolicited anal sex. It comes across as faux mocking of molestation victims. Although it is such a fabulous term to describe Glen Beck when he whines about people being poopyheads to him on the net. So, I’m conflicted.

I dont understand.

By definition wouldnt that make your zone a butthurt free zone ? :slight_smile:

Now you’ve got me giggling out loud too. I’m picturing it like a spaghetti western, some snoozing guy in a sleepy town raising the brim of his sombrero to view a stranger, who spits and calls him that word, and suddenly a dagger is whisked out from beneath his poncho…

I envision either one of the two main characters from Fantasy Island making the challenge/statement. In their normal attire.

All I know is, next time I’m putting away the dishes, I’m going to be thinking about how my wife always complains that we don’t have enough butthurt knives.

Watch it Kaylasdad–she might stab you.

FWIW, I always figured the adolescent overtones of the phrase to be intentional. The implication being that the person who is complaining doesn’t have a real grievance, but instead the sort of petty complaint typified by immature whining. It’s an intentionally childish term because it describes childish behavior.

Thus the Butthurt Report Form!

Being an unholy Brundlefly-like monstrosity comprising Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and a Diebold machine, I presume.

Are you listening to KMFDM again? You know what that music leads to? Wearing a trenchcoat!

It’s a Beavis and Butthead type insult. Who doesn’t like a good B&B term?
(Speaking of, would you need TP for your bunghole if you’re butthurt?)