
Perhaps if butthurt is too annoying we could use similar terms such as “hemorrhoidal” or “sphincter spasm” or “rectum! Damn near killed him”? Or not.

I don’t read that word without ever thinking of the recipient being fucked in the ass. To me it’s not any less rude than, “Hahaha you just got fucked in the ass faggot-bitch!”, as it essentially means the same thing. Or more specifically refers to someone being unhappy with having something shoved up their ass.

I really loathe the idea that euphemisms are somehow less rude. f*** you means fuck you.

I haven’t heard of butthurt before, But I have heard the term buttmunch as an insult which made it more perplexing to me as to why Munch was complaining.

LOL! I love it when someone uses that one to try to insult me. It says, “I only had a few seconds to think of something marginally insulting to say about you, and will use the most obvious thing I could have come up with.”

Funny, I always thought it was originally Q.E.D., not Sapo.


don’t be butthurt.

u mad?

(seriously though, I basically agree with this post)

OP appears to be suffering anally, painfully.

I can not stop laughing.

well played


maybe butthurt is like “puta cap in your ass” except the hood you are in is soo poor nobody has a gun…but they do have knife to stab into one cheek or another…

Just a theory.

Oh yeah, totally. It’s just one of those things that makes me want to shiv someone.

See, I thought “butthurt” referred to the self-righteous owie feeling from being thoroughly spanked when you don’t think you deserved it.

I hadn’t connected it to anal sex. Guess I have a weird brain.

See post number 32 and the circle will be complete :slight_smile:

I’m wondering how the OP feels about the term buttmunch.

Yep- I love seeing the word- as it reminds me of Knife Fights and why we can’t say the C-word around here.

Butthurt is just one of the SDMB memes now I think, and whenever I see it, I just associate it with “I challenge you to a knife fight in Mexico!” which just adds hilarity to whatever point was trying to be made…

I think the people at stopsay.in are flat wrong about butthurt. I’ve seen it used a fair amount on some of the less moderated forums I read and it is generally used to refer to someone who just got beat got their butt kicked and is whining and complaining about it. Did you just lose an argument but refusing to concede? You’re butthurt. Were you playing an fps or pvp and just got “pwned” and now complaining about how what they did was cheating? You’re butthurt.

As sort of natural evolution, I’ve seen it used just in cases where people are whining and complaining without good reason. I suppose I can understand people not liking that usage, like how it was apparently used in the paraphrased incident, since it takes a term that has a specific meaning and generalizes it to an arena where there’s plenty of other terms that fit.

Now, I’m not a fan of the word and I’ve never used it, but I also don’t get why people get blindly enraged by it. It’s just silly internet jargon. Sometimes I find those terms amusing, sometimes I find them annoying. But really, getting upset at someone using those terms excessively or incorrectly is akin to getting upset when I remember people got all riled up when baby boomers started using terms like “bling”. If anything, it just makes them look like a moron, but it’s hardly worth getting upset over.

Because in all the times it’s been used at me or my friends, it’s been to invalidate reasonable points of view. I’ve got an issue with someone’s behavior and I’ve got a responsibility to try to correct their behavior. “Oh, don’t get so butthurt, can’t you take a joke?” There’s no talking reasonably with that. It’s frustrating as all hell.

Now, in a less serious venue, I wouldn’t care that much. If I see it being thrown around on 4chan or Something Awful, I’m not gonna care, because I expect immaturity in those places. But if someone can’t respect me enough when I’m trying to be serious with them, well, to hell with them.

I have a love-hate relationship with the word. On one hand, it sounds like a passive-aggressive parting shot for which there really is no comeback. On the other hand, it describes some individuals so perfectly by the context of the word.