Buy Me Lunchbox!

I am at Target during lunch buying the 5 things I always buy every Tuesday at Target. Turning the corner and coming towards me 20 yards away is a young mother, dragging a cart full of paper towels and such, and two young children. One of the children, perhaps 4-5 years old is screamcrying “Buy me lunchbox! I want lunchbox!,” while holding said lunchbox.

He is very very loud.

Judging people is not nice. Judging people you know nothing about is foolish and unkind, and not the kind of thing good people do. Let’s not let that stop us. I pegged her instantaneously as a nice lady who belonged to the non-corrective oblivious to all others school of child-rearing. True to form, she was taking no steps to deal with the situation.

Not my problem.

But then, suddenly, it was.

As we are about to pass the child steps in front of me, looks me straight in the eye, and scream cries “Buy me lunchbox! I want lunchbox!”

I pause for a moment, waiting for the mother to step in and do something. But she doesn’t. She is actually past me now, leaving me to face her spawn.

So… I look down at the kid, curl my lip and sneer…

It’s important here to discuss this curled lip and sneer in detail. It is literally a gift from God and a terrible terrible burden thrust upon me. I have a face capable of an expression that instantaneously engenders hatred. Remember that kid in the Maga hat? My sneer is at least ten times more punchable. It contains privilege, indifference, smug contempt, disdain. It’s undeserving insouciance makes Chevy Chase’s mugging look earnest and sincere. I can instantly start a fight just by flashing it at the wrong person. My wife has threatened to fucking kill me if I ever look at her like that. I would get sent to my room or punished as a child just for giving my parents this look. It is the nuclear bomb of facial expressions, and I usually keep it well away from sight.

But, at this moment nobody can see me but the kid. I reveal the mask of my curled lip sneer at him and hit him with about 45 megawatts of smug contempt (or maybe that look is the real me and the mask is what I show in public. It’s hard to tell.)

I lean down, look at the kid who has stopped screaming in sudden shock and I sharply say “No!” Loudly but firmly.

This is apparently more than the child can bare. He falls to the ground like he has been shot, and screams even louder.

I Am trying to figure out how to extricate myself. Do I step over the flailing child?

The mother confronts me. “Excuse me” she says softly and reasonably, in the same tone of voice that didn’t work when she was talking to her kids. “Don’t talk to my children like that.”

I am dressed well and appear perfectly normal. The nuclear sneer that just floored her child has been safely put away. She expects an acknowledgement or apology. Instead I say “Don’t tell me how to speak to beggars and I won’t tell you how to raise brats.”

I step over the child and make my exit turning my back on them both.


10 seconds later the kid is in front of me, screamcrying “Buy me lunchbox!” Again. I guess he misinterpreted his mother’s comments to me to mean that she was taking his side and that I now needed to buy him lunchbox. Or something. Anyway, here he was.

The mother is still like two aisles away trying to wrestle another child and shopping cart to come after her progeny who has now fixated on me as the buyer of lunchboxes. The kid is now far enough away from his mother that this is getting uncomfortable. I want to escape, but I don’t want to be accused of kidnapping if the kid follows me. I don’t want to cause her any discomfort by leading her kid away. At the same time, I don’t want to cause a scene and have to deal with investigating Target employees. If she says the wrong thing to them or makes an accusation this could get uncomfortable. Than too, it looks like this lady is no longer stunned by my beggar comment, and has had enough time to build up some indignation and might have a few choice words for me.

I need to escape before the mother arrives and I need the kid to not follow me. I have maybe five seconds to act before the whole situation goes tits up.

The kid is now holding up the lunchbox and not so much screaming as mewling pathetically that he wants lunchbox. It’s like he senses that I am trapped and about to give in.

I hit him with the sneer and the “No!” again, full power. Instantly he screams and falls to the ground flailing his little legs and arms in a full blown temper tantrum.

And I make my escape.

Your life may be easier if you’d just buy the kid his damn lunchbox.

I’m sure you wish you said that. And when did giving someone such an ugly look they instantly want to punch your face in become something to be proud of?

Yes, it’s terrible that the mother was letting the child carry on like that, working himself up into a nuclear meltdown and annoying everyone else in the store. But scaring the kid or snapping at him wasn’t going to suddenly make him think “This mean scary man has made me realize how bad I’m being, so I will be good and quiet now.”

The one who needs a clue is the mother, and she’s obviously clue resistant. You can’t really blame the kid for acting badly if he was never taught otherwise.

This doesn’t make you look too great either. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out in the first place.

And then what happened?

That is simply a thing of beauty. I applaud you, sir!

Right after a small child accosts you in the aisles of Target.

Buy me cattle prod.


Whereas my mind is busily coming up with other responses for the idiot woman. I’m currently going with “Well I wasn’t going to tell him ‘Yes’, now was I?”

Good and quiet was never in the cards; the goal would apparently be “get the damn kid to stop giving me orders”. Sounds like it was working fine until the idiot mother decided to get involved - and by “involved” I mean “continuing not to do anything about her brat”.

I’m kind of that shithead sort of person that thinks he is being admirably frank by saying out loud things that shouldn’t be said. Sorry.

As for being proud of my look? Well, maybe you are really good at Golf or swimming, or at the top of your profession. I go with what I got.

It felt goooood.

No fucking question that this is true.

I get that you are pointing out to me that I am not the hero of this story, and in fact, I am kind of a shithead.

I know this. Why it makes me happy is that rarely do I get to use my worst qualities in such a rewarding way.

And I was happy. I was smiling like an idiot when I walked out of Target. The encounter made my day.

You left out the part where they all clapped! That’s the best part.

It might make the kid realize, for the first time in his life, that there can be negative consequences to his actions and that not everyone responds to his whiny tirades by caving in and giving him what he wants.

If the kid directs his whiny tirades only toward his pushover mom in the future, the Scylla will have done the world a favor.

“Tell your child not to talk to me the way he did.”

A week or so back I got to witness one of those miniature disturbers of the peace.
We were at the local zoo and while the wife and kids were poking around the gift shop I decided to give my feet a rest outside and across from the monkey exhibit.
Someone’s screaming offspring, not belonging to the zoo or it’s inhabitants, must have had their eyes on something at the gift shop as the mother was desperately trying to lead her away from it and not having much success. Mom couldn’t grasp the squirmy over sized sack of potatoes not so much because of the squirmyness but because of the size of the kid. And this wasn’t the “inherited genes” over sized kid but more of the “if we don’t feed her McDonald’s for every meal as she requests, she’ll simply starve herself to death” variety.
Anyways, the kid is wailing away and takes up position close to the handrail of the exhibit. The mom reaches out an open hand again requesting cooperation and with that the kid yells “no!” and violently jerks her head back promptly smacking the back of it good and hard against the handrail. The over-tired screams translated as “I want! I want!” now become screams of pain translated as “Oh my god! Which one of those monkeys just kicked me!”
The kid instantly becomes more receptive to mom as she scoops her up and whisks her away and I see everyone around give a little smile like the sun just came out after a brief downpour.

Well, if you’re happy about behing a shithead, I’m not wasting time anymore. Happy shitheading.

I am. Thank you!

I am very sorry to have wasted your time. I know what an important job it must be going around and chastising people who are grateful for having you point out the flaws in their behavior.

I’m sorry to have kept you from it and deprived all those other people of your critical judgement.

I would get out my credit card, wave it wand-like over the lunchbox, and tell the kid it was paid for.

Then make my escape.

It never fails. Everytime I go in Wal-Mart it is the day the daycare down the street closed early, before nap time. And Mother can’t just take said nap-less tyke home and put them to bed. Oh, NO, we must stop at wally-world and NOT buy nap-less sweetie a toy. Happens every time I go in there.
Now, I’m not a happy shopper. I wanna get my stuff and go. I’m not there to visit anyone or get a pleasant feelings watching young families get their stuff. The screaming babes and kids just sets my teeth on edge. Come on, Mom, take the kid home. It’s easy to know when is feeding and napping time of your own children. Don’t go shopping at that time. Easy-peasy.
I’ll give you a pass if it’s an emergency or you’re picking up meds. Don’t abuse it.

These are indeed the moments that make one believe that perhaps the world makes sense after all.

No. Never negotiate with terrorists.

“Please teach him not to jump in front of people like that! I almost stepped on him! He could have been badly hurt. Or a frail person could have fallen over him and broken a hip. It’s really dangerous behavior.”

Isn’t that what you’re bragging about doing?

I gotta disagree–all that does is imply that it’s okay for a child to be raised as whiny and demanding, and that it’s permissible to wander away from mother and beg from strangers, as long as widdle shnookums doesn’t get hurt. That does nobody any favors. Sure, it could’ve been handled differently, but if I’m accosted by a brat – and I’m using that term in it’s truest sense – while trying to shop, I can’t promise how nice I’d be either.