Buying a Book from Barnes and Noble's Website

If I buy a book from Barnes and Noble’s website will the title of the book I purchase show up on my cc statement? Thanks.

For my cards it would just show up as a purchase from with the appropriate amount of money. No title.

None of mine have. In fact, I don’t believe any ID of the item(s) purchased has ever showed up on any of my CC purchases.

Inquiring minds want to know – what book?

While it won’t be on your credit card statement, the website does keep a record of your purchases, though someone else would need your password to be able to access it. You will also get a confirmation e-mail which will list the titles of the books you purchased.

If you’re buying it as a gift and are afraid the recipient will see it and ruin the surprise, I suggest you set up a seperate account with a different e-mail address. (Get a Hotmail account or similar just for occasions such as these.) That way, you could log on with a different user name when you wanted to buy surprises, and use your usual user name for everyday activities.