Bye Bye George Tenet!

This Grade A fucktard is out!

Now go write a book and take them all down.


Heh, I’m sure that’s exactly how it went down.

Slam dunked, was he?

Well now Bush will have a nice kicking bag to blame all his problems. Chalabi leaking secrets? The CIA was handling that. No WMD? The CIA was the ones that told us he had the stuff. Iraqi abuse? The CIA hired those contractors.
Just watch, and wait.

IMHO, Tenent should have been fired on September 12, 2001.

For awhile I thought he was fairly competent but damn, one bad thing after another came down on his watch… far too much to be forgiven. If the book thing does happen then I’ll also lose whatever respect for him I might have otherwise managed to hold on to.

Problem is, he’s gotta do the book thing fucking fast, or it’s useless.

the real problem is that he was probably less of a puppet that whoever’s going to replace him.

Personal reasons, yes you could say that. Bush just bent him over so hard he’ll need to sit on an inflatable donut for the next six weeks.

You guys do know Tenet was a Clinton appointee, don’t you?

IIRC, Tenet wasn’t very stellar during the Clinton years either. Kind of lukewarm, covered up scandals, didn’t inspire confidence.

Why was he kept on, anyway? Clout?

I may be wrong on this, but the FBI Director and the CIA Director are not political positions. Whoever’s POTUS when they resign gets the choice of who fills the position. It’s not like the cabinet, where you get a new Secretary of Defense every 4 or 8 years.

Yes, I’m bashing him because because I don’t like the job he did.

FTR, I thought Clinton was a fucking scumbag, so don’t give me any partisan crap.

Very true point Trey.

Hey it only took me 58 or whatever minutes to get this, good one. :smiley:

/need more coffee