C K Dexter Haven, act your age!

Don’t worry guys. I knew Tuba or Lynn would want to swan down and close this joke factory, so I reported it. Now they’ll have to leave it open just to spite me - it’s in their hardwiring. No need to thank me.

Okay, the thread was lame and might have ticked off some of the wincing-dermis folks but c’mon, but if it wasn’t that thread it woulda just been something else.

It wasn’t that bad. You could have just moved it to the Pit, y’know. Sheesh. Talk about tight sphincters…

Oh boy, Mod Fight! My money’s on TVeblen!

I’m sure they will close it, but not for the reason you think. Dex proposed an April Fool’s joke thread on the mod loop and everyone voted against it. Yet he ignored all of us and went ahead with his dumb thread anyway. He does this all the time and it gets old.

You guys can’t leave the joke threads to MPSIMS or your little mods-only forum? What a bunch of two-faced shit-eating worms.

Could someone please describe what this is all about?

April Fool! on that the shit eating worm part. But seriously, why is this thread allowed, and even endorsed by TBTB, to happen in the Pit?

You’re not kidding? Sheesh. Cajun Man’s double grin smiley threw me off. Carry on with the CK Dex bashing then.

I personally think this whole “Mod Fight” is the joke. For fuck sake, they have a private forum. I can’t believe they would air this kind of dirty laundry. YMMV.

Maybe it’s time for Dex to retire?

He’s obviously gone over the edge now.

never mind. :smack:

Having a private forum doesn’t work if Dex ignores everything we say there. That’s all I’m saying.

Whats higher? A Moderator or an Administrator?

Administrators are higher than Moderators.

Dex is higher than all of us. Obviously.

Dex is an administrator, so he outranks the rest of us. He doesn’t to listen to the rest of us.
I just don’t think it should be that big a deal. So it was a bad idea. It isn’t worth all this strum und drang.

I don’t get the problem. I can still see the thread, and it’s pretty funny.

What the fuck ever.

Who didn’t see this thread and didn’t comment neither.

It’s a good thing I’m not a mod anymore or I would be kicking ass and taking names right now.

How long before Cecil himself weighs in? You mods are gonna be so busted!

Larry Borgia, me too with the :smack: .

Let’s all name “One Hundred Moderators Who Will Soon Be Fired.”

:smiley: (just in case it is needed)

Sir Rhosis