C25k (Couch-to-5K) starting week of 9/21--who's in?

After someone here mentioned the program a couple of weeks ago, I looked it up and printed it out with the intension of starting it this week. So I’m very happy to see this thread. It’ll make me accountable for my progress.

I’m not sure exactly what day I’m starting. It might be Thursday of this week. I have a problem with sciatica and when I walk on the treadmill, I start feeling the pinch in my butt. Then I started doing the circuit training at the gym and since I wasn’t doing any one thing for more than a minute at a time, I was fine. So I’m hoping that with alternating walking with jogging, I’ll feel fine.

I’ll do it!

I’m competing with my girlfriends to see who can lose the most (weight? fat? I can’t remember what metric we decided on) between now and mid-November. I’m off to a decent start, I’ve been taking a class called BodyFlow at the gym and it’s really helping me feel better. I’ve lost 6 pounds since Labor Day without dieting (just cutting back a little).

But it’s not a weight loss class, I need more sweat.

And I miss running - I used to run…about 30 years ago!

I’m a little nervous about my knee, though, I was born with a knee problem, and my being overweight can’t be good. So I’ll take this as far as I can, and if pain makes me switch, I’ll go for the stationary bicycle instead. I’ve been doing that at the gym, too, for 10 minute spells.

I’ll do it. I recently got new running gear in anticipation of a program like this…

[Ed Gruberman] A YEAR??? I wanna beat people up right now! I got the pajamas! Hah woo yah ooomm![/Ed Gruberman]

By the way, just one little thing.

The program is done either by distance or time, I see many who think they must do both, that would mean you’d have to hold a pace around 10min/mile, which I don’t think many true couch potatoes can just get up and do for a prolonged time. So pick one of them and don’t worry about speed for now.

Boot to the head!

Actually, forget it. My legs are too sore to lift that high. So I did day one of week three last night, and I survived! This program does work - 3 weeks ago I’d have probably thrown up, passed out, or both if I tried running for 3 minutes straight.

Anyone have a decent, affordable running shoe recommendation? I’d like something fairly light as I’ll probably want to take them with me when I travel. Also, I have fairly wide feet, so shoes that come in widths work best for me.



Woo Hoo! One down. 26 to go!

Did my first week one run/walk last night.

I did 1.85 miles and I am currently at 232 lbs.

Find a specialist store, get an evaluation, and ask for their recommendation. There is no other way to do it.

I just got new shoes (Saucony, about £70) including a decent evaluation at a running shoe store. Since getting the shoes, my pace has improved and my feet and achilles do not hurt after running. Well worth the money, but they may be totally unsuitable for what you need. You need help to figure out what that is.


I’m in. I’ve had several surgeries on my leg and have been pretty inactive as of late… this is a good way to ease back into things. My stitches come out on Friday, so I’ll give it a go starting this Sunday.

I am definitely no physicist, and I can’t find an article that mentions the effect I’ve seen described before, but I will try to explain my understanding of what I’ve read in the past. Think of it this way: with each stride the work your body has to do is to propel its weight through space. As you do this, during the portion of your stride when your back foot is resting on the treadmill belt and your front foot is lifting to move forward and catch your weight when you land, the moving treadmill belt is assisting in the work of moving your body. It’s a small effect, but cumulatively as you run it makes a difference.

The treadmill running articles I did find mentioned that another reason for the 1-2% incline recommendation is that it compensates for the lack of wind resistance indoors. But frankly this rationale makes me go :confused: even more than the half-remembered idea outlined above.


Yep. I also ended up with Sauconys, but have had New Balance and Nike in the past. You must get fitted by someone who knows what they’re doing. Seriously, cheap shoes will lead to pain later. Mine were $95-not bad.
Where I bought them recommends writing (in marker) inside the shoe the date when you bought them. This helps to remind you when to buy new ones. Shoes wear out from the inside out, so running shoes will still look good, but offer no support in about 3 months (depending on how much running you do. Someone who runs over 20 miles a week will burn through them faster. I have no such aspirations).

Wow! I’m glad so many people are joining in!

I’ve been offline since Sunday (no electricity at home and only in the past hour here at work), so I offer a belated welcome to everyone. Even if you aren’t doing this particular program, your participation in this thread is welcome! :slight_smile:

Hmmm, maybe they mean more in line with ‘air’ resistance? Since you’re not actually moving forward, you’re not encountering any resistance (however negligible) from moving through the air?

Thanks for taking the time to answer! I find the mechanics of all this stuff fascinating.


I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last couple of days and I’ve decided I’m in. There is another girl here at work that is going to do it too, and we are starting on the 22nd. I’m going to go ahead and sign up for a 5K to give me some motivation to keep going.

Wish me luck people. I’m starting this as a true couch spud. I have not excercised regularly well, ever. I’m starting as a flabby 5’8" 247 lb 36 year old woman. Hopefully I’ll be able to slim down some and get into if not better shape, then better health. I quit smoking on January 1st this year, so I know I have enough will power to do that.

Day 1 of Week 2 down! /flex

svrider, THANK YOU. It was such a huge help to not have to carry my cellphone with it set to the stopwatch feature and constantly look down at it. I like being able to focus on the scenery, and incoming neighborhood dogs. :slight_smile:

Good luck everyone!

I’m a proud graduate of the C25K–I went from completely sedentary, i.e. ‘‘couch’’ to my first official 5K race on the 4th of July. I am happy to say I’ve been running 3-4 times a week for 5 months now! My speed is ever improving, and I’m more fit than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I can’t live without my daily runs and I owe it to this program.

I’m in. I go back to college in Columbus on the 21st and I’ve been looking for a way to start getting in better shape for my wedding in June. I’ve been mostly worthless all summer and have flabbified a bit since July. The procrastinator in me always wants to put it off until later, so it’ll be nice to have some accountability.

I’m already set to work a small, community 5k in December, so now I suppose I’ll have to do more running and less timing.

I’m in. I’m about 41 pounds into a 100-pound weight loss journey, and when I started I couldn’t run more than a couple of minutes. When I hired a personal trainer, he affirmed that I ought not try to run just yet. Now, bored of the elliptical, I find myself tempted by the treadmills at the gym. I just kind of want to know if I can do it. We’ll find out!

I got a couple of weeks into the program a few months ago, actually, just didn’t stick with it. I have a more regular schedule now that should make it a little easier.

I’m in too… started today in fact.

I’ve gained way to much weight since my SO moved in 2 years ago (her AWESOME cooking hasn’t help at all!) and softball 3x per week is just not enough.

I used to run 3+ miles about 4-5 times per week almost 15 years ago so here’s hoping muscle memory wins out.

I’m hoping the opposite. My muscles tell me that I was a sprinter, not a distance runner. :smiley: