Caesar3 CD

I own a copy of Caesar III. It was given to me for my birthday two years ago.

At some time between Spring 2000 and Winter 2000, my CD (and as such, my license to play the game) got a scratch in it, such that I now cannot play the game.

Does anyone know of a place where there’s a crack such that I can play the game without the CD? I am not using a stolen copy, as I’ve said (previous threads about gamecracks in GQ have been met with scorn, so I want to make everyone sure of the legality of this). For example, when I lost my AoEII CD, a friend got me the crack for the game so I could play without the CD (I had bought the CD; I was not operating with an illegal copy).

I’ve checked and and various places of that nature, and none of them has a crack, if one exists. Do y’all know where I could find one or how I could make one?

The proper solution to your dilemma? Request a new CD from Sierra (the publisher).

From their Customer Service guarantee page:


That’s all well and good if I had the receipt . . . I could call customer service as well, though I doubt again that without a receipt they’d do much. And IIRC, they’re based in California, so it’s not like I can go and talk to them in person.

The receipt is only to prove that it’s been less than 90 days since purchase. Since you’ve had it longer than that, you can just send in the CD (and the $10). Check the linked page for more details.

I realize you might not want to do it this way, but I think this is the only way to do it that can be discussed on this message board.

I have had good luck with [crack site deleted] in the past.

On a related topic, why is it that it cost’s $10 to get a new copy? They know that you own it, and you should be able to get a replacement at cost.

I would be much more likely to request such “free” replacement offers if they were reasonable. Shipping costs only 2-3 dollars, where does the other 7 come in?

There is no way they are paying some minimum-wage+ a bit packer to pack it for an hour!

P.S. I just checked, and [crack site deleted] has a No-CD crack

[notes: Yeah, we discourage that. This site and it’s owners consider intellectual property to be the lifeblood of what we do, and discourage places that thwart attempts to protect such property. -manhattan]

[Edited by manhattan on 01-19-2001 at 10:48 AM]

I just read SmackFu’s new comment.

I hope that I have not broken the rules of the board by posting a URL with Cracks. If so, I apologize.

Mods, Let me know.

You might also be able to find a used copy (Electronics Boutiques sells used games, I know), for not too much money.