Cajun Man

You twit.

As I stated in this thread that you chose to close, I was not arguing with bibliophage’s decision. I understand that the Reader has to cover it’s arse and sites that offer Absinthe for import into the US are illegal. As I said, I was not pissed off with that or with anything that bibliophage did.

I also understand that GQ is for questions with a factual answer and GD for debates. Hence, as I stated, why I placed the post in MPSIMS. It was pretty pointless, yet I felt that anyone searching the boards for info on Absinthe would benefit from that Wikipedia item detailing their view (and it is just that) of the legal situation in the US.

I even understand you closing it. As I said, it’s the sort of thing that I’d have liked to tag onto the GQ thread for completeness but couldn’t because it was closed. So I wasn’t trying to provoke a discussion and was quite happy with a closed thread.

However, threatening me with banning just proved that you hadn’t even bothered to look at the fucking link that I included to the original GQ thread. Do I expect you to read absolutely everything before you close a thread? No. Do I expect you to actually understand what you’re talking about when you threaten someone? Yes.

I nearly started a thread myself but felt it was best left up to Bromley there. Cajun Man jumped the gun and was a bit over the top. I thought bib closed the original thread because people had posted ways to procure an illegal substance. Discussing why the substance is illegal and the relevant statutes should have been fine.

Of course, Bromley probably could have avoided this by getting permission from bib before starting the thread.

I would venture that, when you veered from posting what the US Customs says to

and list what the legal opinions of those connoisseurs is, you crossed the line.

You were shilling for the connoisseurs.

Cajun Man was correct.

That’s like saying we can’t discuss CD burning because filetrading is illegal.

Bromley, starting a thread in order to post something that you missed out on posting to a thread that was locked by a Moderator is generally not allowed. You’ve been around long enough to know this.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB