Cajun Spicy Green Beans

Over the weekend, I found myself on Bourbon Street. I treated myself to a Cajun Bloody Mary before I got into the evenings festivities, and it was served with string beans in it. They were fantastic!

I forgot to get over to Central Grocery to buy myself a jar to take home, and the jar I saw in the airport was $10 for not that big a jar.

Are there any Cajun, Louisiana, or Southern dopers who may have a recipe for how to make them? A quick google is taking me to cooked beans. This is not what I’m looking for. They were more of a pickled bean with spices.


Can’t vouch for this recipe, but it might be what you’re looking for.

I googled +“pickled green beans” +cajun.

You can also buy them through Cajun Grocer.

:dubious: I might need to get a case. :smiley:

From the recipe linked above:

Sounds like the grocer has been talking to this cook. That bean sounds tasty, though!