California day hike advice

As mentioned in this thread

some friends and I were plaiing on doing the Half Dome hike. Well the unusually wet Sping has negated those plans (the cables will not be up until June 16).
So, I’m looking for alternative day hikes.
We will be based in Pleasanton (San Fransisco area). Obviousy if wer willing to drive to Yosemite, going aways is still an option (doing another hike in Yosemite is still an option, but don’t limit yourself to it)


My favorite is Horse Tail Falls hike in Desolation Wilderness here is a link.

You can still do the hike with the cables down.

A group of friends and my husband and I did it last May. We all made it up to about 2 miles shy of Half Dome before we ran out of water and headed back to camp. 2 men from our group however, continued on to the top of Half Dome, cables down. There were plenty of people up there, according to them.

I wouldn’t ditch the idea of going to Yosemite just because of the cables being down.

It’s too breathtaking to miss.

Problem is there is a lot of snow at altitude.
I’m scared enough doing it with the cables (I’m not exacty afraid of heights, but I do have a healthy respect for them), I’m not doing without them. I don’t care what the cool kids are doing.

We considered 4 mile trail, but it is closed above Union point.


This spring, the high Sierra is pretty much out unless you have skis or snow shoes. And with the abrupt arrival of warm weather (due to arrive tomorrow, at long last!!) the snow melt will be heavy & the rivers high, so I would be wary of any routes that involve significant stream fords. (Got those waterproof boots broken in??)

Probably best to stick to the coast range. You might check out Big Basin State Park and Point Reyes National Seashore as possible locations. Or close to Pleasanton, hike Mt. Diablo or Sunol or Morgan Territory Regional Parks.

I’ll post again if I come up with a specific trail suggestion.

May I suggest Mount Tamalpais? Many wonderful hikes up there; if you specify the length and elevation change you’re up to, I’ll check my guide book and suggest something.

This winter the total precipitation at my house (in the foohills a ways north of Yosemite) has been almost double what it was last year … plus the snow melt is late … it might be doable some years, but I doubt it this year.

I can’t disagree about not missing Yosemite, though, despite my previous post … maybe the upper Yosemite Falls /Yosemite Point trail will be clear, being on the sunny side of the valley …

I should have mentioned that
Hike to the top of Mission peak (possibly at night)
Big Basin 13-mile waterfall loop.
Have already been suggested from the CA contingent.

Nametag Probably keep it under the 17 miles and 4800 foot vertical delta hike to 1/2 dome. Maybe in the ~15 mile, 2500ft range?


What about the Muir Woods? Not terribly strenuous or long, but lots of purty trees.

You should also check out Point Reyes. Beautiful territory with some interesting wildlife and a pleasant little town to have dinner in at the end of the day.

Here’s a specifc suggestion for Pt. Reyes … start at the Bear Valley Visitor Center, take the Bear Valley Trail to the coast, head north along the coast trail for a couple of miles, then loop back by way of Mt. Wittenberg. That’s probably about 10 miles, with several opportunities to add a side loop if you want to hike a bit farther. You’ll travel through a nice variety of terrain, and should have some excellent views if the weather is clear.