Assume I had to go to Mountain View, CA - which airport would I be better off going through - San Jose or San Francisco?
(Both are supposedly close, but I don’t know anything about either.)\
Assume I had to go to Mountain View, CA - which airport would I be better off going through - San Jose or San Francisco?
(Both are supposedly close, but I don’t know anything about either.)\
San Jose, much closer, easier to get out of, less traffic.
Brian - corporate travel consultant.
Thank you sir!!!
Missy2U (Corporate Travel Setter Upper for My Engineers)
I get a consulting fee?
Definitely San Jose, especially at this time of year. If San Jose didn’t work, I’d pick Oakland over San Francisco. San Francisco airport has a lot more, and much worse, weather-related delays than either San Jose or Oakland. San Francisco’s runways are very close together, so when there’s bad weather (which is common in the winter) they can’t use all the runways.
Yeah well, they already answered - but I’ll echo San Jose.
Plus it has the added bonus of an incredible approach. It’s nestled in somewhat of a valley. One moment, you’re descending normally, and seem close enough to reach out and touch the houses in the hills - next thing you know, the plane clears the hills and makes what feels like a 75 degree dive into the airport.
San Jose is a bit closer, but not any easier to get out of. However San Francisco is in the top five list of delays, so I’d agree with San Jose. Going to Oakland would require you driver further and pay a toll across the Bay or go somewhat out of your way down to 237.
Personally I despise the San Jose airport, but it is still better for you.
What airport would the trip originate from?
AHHH ! There’s the key question.
Yes, San Jose would be the preferred airport. But not all carriers fly into San Jose. So it could be much more painful/expensive to fly there depending on where you’re departing from (and which airlines service that airport).
Yes, but as both were presented as equal options…definitely San Jose.
If you have the option of a direct flight into SJ, go with that. If you have a direct flight into SFO but need a connection to get into SJ, go with SFO.
Personally, I’d rather spend an hour sitting in the Dallas airport bar than an hour on the 101 South.
From SFO, take the 101 N exit and cross over to 280 S on 380 W. I believe there’s a little bit of traffic that builds up at the 280/380 interchange, but it’s better than the 101.
Ah, I’ll just modify my statement…
“Personally, I’d rather spend an hour sitting in the Dallas airport bar than an hour on the 101 North exit and crossing over to 280 South on 380 interchange.”
There is no “the” in 101 'round here.
I’ll agree with the San Jose bit.
Definitely San Jose, and also a hearty second to if for some reason San Jose won’t work, use Oakland. Oakland doesn’t deal with the fog like SF, so you’ll be able to actually land, which is oh so convenient for getting off the plane. Or rather your plane will actually take off, because it will have somewhere to land.
The real answer to this is “C”, not enough information provided by the question. I’ve had to fly in for work in the greater San Jose area twice in the past couple of months. It would have been fine to fly into San Jose, EXCEPT:
On my first trip, I would have had to arrive at my outbound airport at 5 am in order to catch a flight.
On my second trip, I couldn’t complete my days work and get home that night via SJC. So I took a later flight from SFO to Denver then on to Tampa.
So, it’s also a function of where you are coming from, and when you have to be in and out. All those being even, then SJC is the clear winner. But in my experience, they’re not necessarily even.
You guys probubly just say “Batman” too.
It’s not going to take you an hour going the 101 -> the 280 -> the 380, and half an hour is what you’re going to spend whether you’re coming up from San Jose or down from San Francisco.
If you take a layover just to fly into SJC, you’ll just end up spending an hour in Dallas PLUS half an hour on the 280 anyway.
There is too a “the” in 101 if there’s no direction after it.
"Take 101 North" vs. “Take the 101 North”
“Take 101” vs. "Take the 101"
No there’s not. I’ve lived in the Bay area 20 years, and nobody says it that way. I’ve heard traffic reporters say “The Nimitz” or “the junction of 101 and <something>”, but not “the 101”
Go through San Jose if you can fly direct at a reasonable time. SJC airport is a pain in the ass, but SFO airport is worse, and always seems to have flight delays. If the flights work better for SFO, going there isn’t awful. Just be aware of when rush hour is and what time of day you’ll be traveling in the car.
It’s about 25 miles from SFO to Mountain View, and about 12 miles from SJC to Mountain View. In my experience, it’s about 15 minutes to Mountain View from SJC in light traffic, about 25-30 minutes from SFO, also in light traffic. Add at least 50% to these times in rush hour. Your Milelage May Vary.