I’ve just received a ruling on my appeal to EDD allowing me to go to school while I’m on unemployment. It also says that I will be eligible for extended benefits but it isn’t clear if I need to file something to receive the extension. I just received my checks for the last two and half months and the most recent one says I only have about $80 left on my current benefit. Been trying to call all morning but the automated system keeps telling me there are too many callers waiting already and then hangs up on me. Do I need to file for the extension or is it somehow automatic? It’s totally unclear and on the website it leads me to a form that is identical to my original claim form. I just don’t want to make a mess of it all by re-filing if it isn’t what I’m supposed to do… Anyone know about this?
I think you need to keep trying to contact the unemployment office. Don’t rely on information you get here, because there will be some pretty big consequences to you if it’s wrong.
The EDD website has a place that a staff email; they usually respond to that:
Generally, extensions under the federal emergency relief program are applied automatically; other extensions might not be, so do email them. (With $80 left in the kitty, I’m sure you’ll find out soon, though…)
second. I had 2 extensions in Ohio and one was automatic and the other required I apply for it.