Call me morbid, but I would like to see the score of this Chess game.

The one that lead up to this. It sounds like it was not a “touch move” related offense, but kibitzing.

The “score?”

I suspect that one of us doesn’t understand chess.

Also: Okay, you’re morbid.

Also, also: “LED up to this” :mad::mad::mad:

I’ll give you even money that Bellante was trying to en passant and O’Gorman refused to accept it as a valid move.

I was thinking he tried to castle illegally…but your theory sounds more plausible.

Game score: Glossary of Chess (Wikipedia)

O’Gorman wouldn’t stop calling his knight a “horsey” and Bellante finally snapped.

It is the correct term for the record of moves that were made in the game.

This article says it wasn’t an argument over a legal move.

…yeah, I was pretty sure it was me.

Turns out that’s you. But:

–from “The Ballad of Edward Bray”, a poem celebrating the Oxford-Cambridge university chess match.

I think it was just a misunderstanding. He thought that he heard “chest opening” but the King’s Indian isn’t quite one of those.

Was the victim a registered organ donor?

I think the OP was referring to the chess move notes.

The game I would like to find was the one that might had gave us the USA as we know it.

The note was later found in the pocket of Rall after being mortally wounded in the battle of Trenton.

*A game of cards in some accounts.

Justifiable homicide.

Actually I like this theory. Someone who removed a lung and told people he got the heart has some issues re: left-right-center spatial coordination. Probably thought he was castling and grabbed bishop.