Calling All Dopers...

I need help!!! I am about to go out and buy a new computer. Up until now I’ve never had to worry about this. Now, the problem is on my shoulders. If you were going with me, where would we go?? And what is the best computer going now? Everyone has been telling me different. I got this big smile on my face when I remembered the dopers!!! Who better to turn too??

                                        Thanks Guys.......

Welp… whaddaya need?

Normal at-home word-proccessor/small game/Reader Rabbit computer?

Hot-rod gaming machine?

Heavy word-pro/research/IA school machine?

Big time video editing/hooking up with my home-entertainment center machine?

Or somewhere in between?

Dudette… you’re gettin’ a Dell.

I agree with Simetra. You must first define what it is you will be using the computer for and from there, we can help guide you to a quality solution.

If it is just for word processing, I’d suggest a cheapo pentium laptop for around $200 (original pentium, not pro or II, III, IV)

If it’s just for games, buy a game machine, you’ll have less hassle.

Give us the scoop on the tasks that this machine will need to perform.

Whatever the range of your requirements turns out to be, Dell should have something to fit them. Probably more of a Pentium Vs. Celeron issue (or Amd).

I think this thread would be better suited to IMHO, so off it goes.

First, a nice breakfast with fancy coffee…mmmmm

Then, a manicure and pedicure, possibly a massage.

Then, we would go to the mall and shop 'till we drop!

Then, I’d ask you exactly what you plan on doing with this computer, since that directly affects what I’d recommend. :slight_smile:
