calling all Mcguyvers: help me make my mini security cam be able to swivel and move

a few days ago I started a post asking for recommendations on how to hide a new security camera that I bought. The camera is mini and wireless. I also posted a picture.
stock picture of same camera
the camera is about the size of a penny and I have it pointing out my front door. It is against the glass with a decal of my university basketball team in front of it with a tiny hole so that the camera has a perfect view of my car and a portion of the apartment parking lot. most importantly though, it covers the entrance points to my apartment…the main reason I got it…security.
link one view from inside

picture 2 outside view
after I had it up and working I gave some thought into improvement. I think it would be very cool if, in some way, I could make it rotate or swivel to cover other areas…I know that a swivel device with a remote control is feasible since I have a fan in my room which swivels and can be operated by a remote.

so I have spare parts: a broken PlayStation two with the hard drive removed by the CD and the fan still intact… tape recorders…a broken cellphone…and a vacuum that I’m willing to part with. if I can use any of these, I will. more likely however I will probably have to buy parts…as long it is reasonably priced… in your opinion,how would you make the camera swivel while still remaining hidden?

pointers? advice? teach me!

Model airplane servos might work pretty well. This one looks pretty small. You would need to spend some money on a controller and the servos, but it would give you good side to side panning ability. Just mount the camera on top and you’re good to go.

as the husband of the world’s biggest MacGyver fan, I’m oblidged to point out the misspelling of his name. I can’t actually help with your problem unfortunately.

I am considering a security camera, how are the images recorded? Are they sent ‘off site’ so to speak, uploaded to the internet perhaps?

Have you tried reversing the polarity?

The images are not recorded, so to speak, unless you want them to be. The little camera is wireless which sends a signal to a receiver. With an RCA cable, you can feed it directly into the television, a VCR, or your TiVo. when I’m away for the weekend, I will hook it up to the TiVo and record.

it’s a worthwhile investment

McGyver, not Stargate. Same actor, different era.

You could probably find a cheap RC toy, though that will only give you side to side panning. I guess you could find two RC toys that operate on different frequencies if you want up and down as well. You may need a more powerful motor, which shouldn’t be that hard to come by.

I think a remote control car would work best.

Use the rear wheel motor for vertical and the steering motor for horizonal control.

I’d figure you’d want to reduce the power to the real wheel motor so you don’t spin the cam like a top. You might also want to put a stop of some sort on it so it only goes 180 degrees.

The added bonus is your remote control would match your cam movements.

The car with remote and a couple transformers for power would only set you back about $30-40.

I will admit to not understanding how this is a security feature if you have it hidden…

I don’t think the items you listed could really be turned into what you want, at least not easily. For example the motor that moves the laser around on your PS2 could theoretically be used, but you have to figure out what controls that, and then find a way to feed it new commands – Definitely out of my league (meaning it is not just an on/off switch). If your fan has a remote control use that, or even just live with the camera constantly swinging back and forth if you put it on an oscillating fan base.

Not sure what your spending limit would be, but if you wanted to go for something complete you could get the Logitech Orbit Webcam for about $68