Calvin and Hobbes - wisdom you live by.

Verbing weirds language.

Death to oatmeal!

What’s the point of being cool if you can’t wear a sombrero?/quote]

Since the OP did open the door to other comics:

“Peanuts” c. 1966:

Charlie Brown & Linus, heads on hands on the “Thinking Wall”

CB: Do you think life is a series of peaks and valley, with some days better than others?

L: Yes, I think you could look at it like that.

CB: So it would be possible that one particular day would be better than all the other days of your life?

L: I suppose that could be true.

CB: What if you’ve already had it?

Calvin and Hobbes was great, but for the best in comics philosophy I gotta go with Bloom County. I wish I had a dandelion patch.

“The Torment Of Existance Weighed Against The Horror Of Nonbeing.”

My outlook on life, in a nutshell. Or, rather, in a snowman.

“You misspelled Weltanschauung.”

My favorite is when his dad explains the theory of relativity and time dilation, which despite what any physicist many tell you, actually involves flying past time zones. Of course, it only works if you’re going west.

One of my favorite bits of “wisdom” comes from Calvin’s mom. Calvin walks in on his mom washing dishes, and starts talking about some complex bit about gravity, and then uses it as a bridge to confess that because of gravity, he spilled juice all over the kitchen floor.

As Calvin’s mom is sweeping up the mess, she mumbles “How can kids be so smart, and yet be so dumb.” or something like that.

“Our favorite games are the ones we don’t understand.”

“Nothing spoils fun like finding out it builds character.”

As Calvin is caught pounding nails into the coffee-table, his mom yells “CALVIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!”

Calvin replies: “Is this a trick question, or what?”

Calvin sits behind a box, on which has been written: “A swift kick in the butt $1.00”
Hobbes: “How’s business?”
Calvin: “Terrible.”
Hobbes: “That’s hard to believe”
Calvin: “I can’t understand it. Everybody I know needs what I’m selling.”

Calvin on cartoons"

“Idiots, explosives and falling anvils, that’s what entertainment is all about”

Calvin: “Don’t you hate it when your boogars freeze?”

And in other comics"

“God, give me the will to change the things I can, the stregth to tolerate the things I can’t, the wisdom to tell the difference, and a red ferrarri.” - Mr. Boffo

Calvin: Never argue with a six year old who shaves.

Cavlin walks into the kitchen and says to his mom: Paul Gauguin asked, “Whence do we come? What are we? Where are we going?”
Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I came from my room, I’m a kid with big plans, and I’m going outside! See ya later!
mom sits there dumbfounded until Calvin ends with: Say, who the heck is Paul Gauguin anyway?

Calvin: When I grow up, I’m not going to read the newspaper and I’m not going to follow complex issues and I’m not going to vote.
That way I can complain that the government doesn’t represent me.
Then, when everything goes down the tubes, I can say the system doesn’t work and justify my further lack of participation.
Hobbes: An ingeniously self-fulfilling plan.
C: It’s a lot more fun to blame things than to fix them.

according to “chewing magazine” (i think thats what the name is)… doing these exercises will “give you that chewers jaw… that drives the women wild”:slight_smile:

The one I really remember is C&H sitting on a hillside watching a beautiful sunset. Calvin says to Hobbes: “I bet we’re missing some great TV shows.”

Made me realize how much time I spent watching TV and missing out on other things in life.

Now, I have a computer and a PS2, so no more watching TV for me! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Actually, I just like to say ‘smock’”
Smock, smock, smock, smock, smock"

[On NoCoolSpouseName’s studio wall for years]

“I like to say quark! Quark quark quark quark!”
“Instead of acting like a moron, you could help me find some scientists.”

Calvin walks past in helmet and cape and padded clothes.

Mom: What’s up today?
Calvin: Nothing, so far.
Mom: So far?
Calvin: Well, you never know, some thing could happen today. And if anything does happen, by golly, I’m going to be ready for it!
Mom (to herself): I need a suit like that…

“You never know when some crazed rodent with cold feet might be running loose in your pants.”