We recently adopted a new kitten from the local pound. He’s a small one, about 1.5 lbs and very very active. Weird thing though is every time I hold him he starts sneezing. He doesn’t sneeze when anyone else holds him. He has sneezed a few sneezes when alone, but far and few between. But when I hold him he sneezes one after the other. I don’t wear Cologne or use highly fragrant soap. What’s going on here? Is our new kitty allergic to me?
It would be highly unlikely for your kitten to be allergic to just you. There have been animals with allergies to humans, so it’s possible.
It could be your soap, even if not highly fragrant, your laundry detergent, your deodorant, what your clothes are made of… there are so many possibilities. If the cat is allergic. Which it may or may not be.
Have another person - same sex, same everything possible use the same products for washing, whatever might cause a lingering chemical.
Swap clothes.
Keep at it until kitty sneezes at the other person - then start subtracting “same xxxx” until one trips sneezes and the other no longer.
If it really is you (have you tried holding kitty after rinsing in shower, no detergents, no chemicals, and drip-dried and nude?), find kitty a new home then find yourselves a new kitty.
I have never heard of a cat being allergic to a person, but, why couldn’t one be?