Can anyone help me install a new version of Flash Player?

Several websites have been telling me I need to update my Flash Player, and provide a “helpful” link to the download page at

Well unless I’m missing something, the “Agree and install now” button on that page does precisely nothing. It doesn’t trigger a download, it simply points to which is a bog standard HTML page, no .exe file or similar.

I’ve tried downloading the latest Flash player from other sites but I still get the “you need a newer version of Flash player” message.

Any advice? I’m using Internet Explorer on Windows XP, and just upgraded to version 7 (in the hope that the newer Flash player might be included with it, but apparently not).

Never mind - should have known, it was Norton helpfully blocking the installation.

Now for my next question, why the hell did Microsoft rearrange the entire layout of IE in the new version? All the buttons are in the wrong place and look wrong… moan moan…

goes off to rearrange toolbar

Just a general observation, but people should be very wary of such requests for updates: this sort of thing is a common trick to get you to install a trojan, usually with video codecs. Always bring up another browser session and go to Adobe’s homepage then go to the Flash download page. Proceed similarly for any other update requested.

Good advice, although the sites I meant were pretty trustworthy - I can’t see IKEA pulling a trick like that, for instance…