Can anyone tell me what is depicted in this picture?

rather, who is depicted and what event

I’m guessing it’s the loser in a fencing match and they’re checking for a heartbeat to see if he’s still alive. Or rather then one with his ear to the guy’s chest are. The other 5 I’d guess are probably either praying for him or giving him his last rights.

Everyone but the dead guy looks like their wearing religious garb, so I would guess it wasn’t a duel.

My very first thought was “Paul – on the road to…” except I don’t know where he was going to. And I don’t think he died, and I don’t think he was strolling with monks.

I’m going with one set of travelers coming upon the victim of a robbery. I’ll give it some more thought. But it cries out “biblical”.

That’s what I was thinking. Anachronistic clothing would not rule out a Biblical theme, I don’t think.

The guy on the right appears, from his haircut, to be monk, and is holding a rosary. I think that pretty much rules out a Biblical subject matter.

And I get a “new testament” rather than “old testament” vibe. Everybody would have been more beardy in the OT.

FYI, if you drag the image into the google image search box, it will show you “visually similar” images. It is the worst search outcome ever, including a closeup of a mongrel dog, some kind of monkeys, a WWI photo, etc. Just terrible comparisons!

Jeez, I would think it would rule it in, but maybe I’m thinking of later times – when was Saint Francis on the road? How much does the new testament go after the death of Jesus?

Perhaps the better term for what I’m thinking would be “christian storytelling and myth building times”.

The title of the work is “One More Highwayman Regrets His Decision to Ambush the Brothers Of Saint Norris.”

my first thought before reading the thread was a scene from the story of the good samaritan

Paul (Or rather, Saul, as Paul was his christian name and he hadn’t converted yet) was on the road to Damascus when Jesus appeared in a shaft of light and exclaimed, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” and struck him blind. Traditionally, Saul is described as being thrown off his horse at this point so I doubt the picture describes that situation. The clothing, monastics and religious accoutrements makes me think it’s medieval and probably a depiction of a saint.

Much later times. Monasticism (with the tonsure and everything) originates in about the 6th century AD. St Francis lived from about 1181-1226 AD. Friars (and he may actually be a friar rather than a monk) originated in about the 12 or 13th century AD. The Christians of New Testament times were not monks or friars, and did not dress or cut their hair like monks or friars (neither did they use rosaries). Most later artists would probably have realized this.

Something about the picture did make me think of St Francis, but I am not sure why. In any case, it is almost certainly some medieval event that is depicted.

Maybe a decade or three. It pretty much covers Paul’s lifetime, and Paul died in about 67 AD. Revelations may have been written a bit later, but it is prophecy. It does not even pretend to describe events that have already actually happened.

Something about the picture did make me think of St Francis, but I am not sure why.

It’s a little known fact that St Francis is the patron saint of repetitive speaking. :stuck_out_tongue:

From the black and white robes, and the tonsures on two of them, they are Dominican monks. That puts the date of the event after 1216.

I agree with this , but while the time depicted in the drawing may well be medieval, it was drawn much later, The three dimensionality and shadowing make me think it is at least renaissance and maybe post-renaissance.

That would be Dominican friars.

Francis does not seem to have died violently, so it isn’t him lying there.

Ah, good point.

Poor editing, actually.

I’m sorry, yes I meant that the scene looked medieval. I haven’t the foggiest idea of when the picture itself may date from.

Keep in mind that just because the figures are wearing medieval clothing doesn’t mean it’s a medieval scene. Artists often use anachronistic contemporary fashions for historical subjects.

So it could be King Saul, who committed suicide by stabbing himself with a sword:

The sword is not period for the New Testament.

Too modern.

That cup handle & crosspiece guard gives it away.

Might be a screwed-up version of a Biblical picture, though.
Artist that didn’t do his research.

We should note that historical accuracy was not paramount for artists of different eras. It was common to portray people of ancient times in contemporary clothing.

I agree. For example, in Campin’s Merode Altarpiece, the Annunciation to Mary has Mary as a medieval Dutch girl. Saint Joseph appears to be at work in Amsterdam or some other medieval European city.