Can Hillary make gay rights a cornerstone of her campaign?

It seems like bit of a kerfuffle has broken out over some comments that Hillary Clinton made. Her husband, of course, signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as well as creating the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. Hillary was on the record as clearly supporting both. And later as clearly opposing both. But still saying she was right to support at least DOMA, apparently. Rather than acknowledging that she made a mistake by supporting DOMA, she insists that she was right to do so at the time. Her reasoning could fairly be described as ridiculous, and many gay rights advocates are saying so.

This is not the only bone of contention. Hillary was remarkably late to the party on gay marriage. She was one of the last Democrats to flip-flop on the question. As Sec. Of State, way back in 2011, she opposed even minor changes to help gays. She continues her cushy relationship with Saudi Arabia and other countries that aren’t so nice to gay people.

Nonetheless, word is that Hillary will not only advertise her pro gay stances, but make it a big part of her campaign. Will it work?

I don’t see a candidate with a stronger claim to the “gay friendly” crown than hers. Do you?

Then you haven’t looked very hard.
Bernie in 1995.

I don’t doubt I will vote for HRC on Election Day, but to pretend she has the strongest record of being “gay friendly”? Yeah, not gonna do that.

At a minimum, she should reject the actions of the President who signed DOMA. The fact it was a Democrat is irrelevant.

It was a craven political act. Period.

Well, Bernie, of course, and for quite some time. I have a sense of the OP as seeking more to paint Hillary as a facile hypocrite than he is pressing a progressive agenda. If the Republicans offer a candidate more sincerely progressive than she is, I will vote for said candidate. Then I will paint my butt blue and move to the country.

Depends how you measure. If the question is who’s accepted the least money from governments such as Saudi Arabia and Russia that murder or abuse gays, every candidate probably beats Hillary.

Beyond that, the underlying assumption there seems to be that no one should expect Hillary to ever stand up for anyone’s rights on principle, but only to do the minimum and then claim that she’s better than her opponents.

OK. So based on your awesome and commendable concern for gay rights, which of the Republican candidates will you be supporting?

It’s a condemnation of her opponents that all she needs to do is that minimum in order to be better than them.

Is Hillary Clinton’s record of gay rights great? No.

Is it better than any Republican who’s running? Yes.

Shit, ain’t seen nothing yet! Wait till they start struggling in earnest for the knuckle-walking vote, Carson will seem like the moderate.

If Hillary Clinton had a record of doing nothing on the issue, what Republican candidates would be better positioned than her?

I get the point you’re making but, why is the benchmark whether or not her record is better “than any Republican who’s running?”

Bernie, who I realize can’t possibly win, defended our honor on the House floorback in '95. That was around the time President Clinton signed DOMA.

I don’t hold HRC responsible for the things Bill did that were politically expediant. But it sure would be nice for him to acknowledge his error.

The corner stone to her campaign was laid long ago… Her main objective is not rights or even equality. Besides the fact that “gay” rights is no corner stone in any political campaign not electing a “gay” candidate she has made it apparent that she is right and considers herself never wrong. Ill address her insincere and forced publicity when apologizing in standing by idly while american soldiers where captured and murdered.
No, her cornerstone is power and status. She will not let her ego overshadow the show she continuously performs throughout her campaign and her soon to be fixed victory as the first woman elected president of the United States.
Sorry Hilary, but women have been doing exactly what you are only they sat beside their husband with dignity and grace; knowing they are at least half responsible for any and all decisions (good or bad) made. Well, to the public that is. :wink:
Team Palin and Ryan… Give me Bill, but do not give me Hilary.

In actuality (or political correctness) her corner stone is vaguely apparent around the time Obama was “elected” a second term. Twitter provides proof of her third party networking of social media in kicking off her public campaign while Bill remains an obvious variable in her street campaign. The one she claims was completely legal in all contributions. Yeah right, like Bill remembered to throw away the list of all his contributors. Windy face.
Again Palin would have made a better mark historically and righteously. Mad love

Democrats already have this issue and since Hillary has practically already won, I dont see it being that much of an issue in terms of swaying voters.

More gay support will bring in more gay volunteers and gay celebrities like Ellen for endorsements so that will help her campaign.

Am I crazy, or did none of this make any sense?


As I understand it, President Clinton signed DOMA because if he hadn’t, a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage was a distinct possibility. And it would be easier for the Supreme Court to overturn DOMA than it would have been for the amendment to be repealed.

Granted this is Clinton we’re talking about, and even as a Democrat I admit that the truth isn’t in him.

Why the scare quotes around the word elected?

The votes were skewed.

It may work to win the primaries, but it doesn’t have to work after/if she gets the nomination.

Gay voters are lilke black voters - they are going to vote for the Democrat no matter what. Hillary needs to stir up the yellow dog Democrats enough to get the more partisan voters to vote for her in the primaries, and then run back to the middle for the general election. It’s not exactly a head fake, but she won’t make it a big part of her campaign in the general election. She doesn’t have to.


This is the story being peddled by the Clinton people but it isn’t true. There were rumblings about amending the Constitution just like every time the religious right loses at SCOTUS. Amending the Constitution to ban SSM is still an option today. Clinton signed DOMA into law because it was politically expedient. He needed it to get reelected. Period.