My Toyota Corolla doesn’t have many faults, but the wimpy, ridiculous horn is one of them. I want a horn that makes other drivers jump in their seats when I blow it. I want them to NOTICE my car is there, goddamnit (there’s a bit of a problem with that). Can I get an after-market, seriously butch horn installed? How would I go about doing this?
You can put in an air horn. A quick search found one for $29. I’m not sure that’s all you’ll need but it looks complete.
Oh, a car horn!
When I read the title I thought…
JC Whitney is your friend. Is 130db loud enough for you? Or do you need louder?
I have an aftermarket air horn in my Miata. One thing to be aware of is that your aftermarket horn will probably draw more current than stock, as is the case in my installation. In that case, you’ll need to replace the fuse that serves the horn with one with a higher amp rating.
If you don’t mind losing trunk space for the air reservoir, you can get a classic railroad Nathan “Five Chime”. It’d look pretty cool on the roof of a Corolla too.
Years ago I had a Ford Courier pickup and it had the typical tinny foreign car horn. I replaced it with a horn off a mid 60’s Cadillac, it was 3 horns of different lengths. It was a lot louder and had a nice 3 note blast to it. The only problem was the horn relay, the new horn burned up the relay and caused it to stick in the on position, this happed at 4 in the morning in front of my brother’s house. It took me 5 minutes to get the horn disconnected. I ended up replacing the stock relay with a Ford starter solenoid, problem fixed.
I second the suggestion of Cadillac horns, and of using a stouter relay or solenoid to operate them. I would use the stock fuse, switch, and relay to operate an additional relay or solenoid, with heavy-duty wiring for this additional relay and the horns.
Have I told you guys lately that I love you? A train horn on my Corolla - I do believe we are on the same wavelength. I also like the idea of a Caddy horn. I don’t know if 130 dB is loud enough - what does that sound like?
Good note about the fuse - I’ll be having the horn installed, so I’ll make sure that the minimum wage teenager installing it knows about that.
Unfortunately, the fuse isn’t the only thing to consider. If the new horn(s) draw significantly more amperage than the old one(s), then not only the fuse but also the wiring and either the relay or the switch (depending on the particular design) could be overstressed. If you want the peace of mind of knowing there won’t be a problem, I’d suggest have the installation done by someone who truly understands the electrical factors involved, and who can properly make any modifications that might be necessary.
I think I’ve found the horn I want.
(No, I don’t plan to go around town scaring pedestrians with it. Much.)
Now that’s a horn. Seriously, that video had me cackling so hard I started sweating. It felt like a clip from Jackass.
Now that you’ve gotten some good GQ info, I can share that in high school I had a friend who drove a little yellow Opel. The thing was tiny. One time I was getting out of the back seat, and the driver’s seat was flipped forward so I could get out. I leaned on the seat, it pressed into the horn, and something like a foghorn sounded. It was hilarious how deep and loud that horn was, considering the car it was installed in. I loved that horn and tried to finagle a honking of it every time I was around it.
I’ve always wanted a steam siren for a car horn. (At least, an electronic device that makes the same sound, as actual steam might be problematic.)
Listen here (QuickTime).
That sounds oddly sci-fi. Like there’s been a warp core breach.
It’s used on ships. I first heard it an a WWII naval battle film, and I’ve always thought it would be great for a car.
Like being within 100 ft of a jet. I imagine that the horn in the video is about the same volume.
WTF is funny about damaging other people’s hearing just so you can act like an asshole? :mad:
Horn? What’s a horn? Oh, I think I remember, that annoying sound the self-entitled make when I’m in their way. Thank Og, you don’t hear them in Seattle.
Take racer72’s experience to heart and have your installer put in a manual cut-off switch, just in case there are any problems.
I was personally deafened by a car horn so loud my ear drums exploded and I fainted from the blood loss. It’s still funny.