Can I make my own "designer" jeans? Should I try?

I am having one hell of a time finding a decent pair of jeans. What I end up with is something baggy that looks like I just took a dump in my pants, or “dad jeans.” I’ve been looking in a few stores, and can’t find much. I looked in Zara the other night, and they had some cool stuff, but nothing in my size. The clerk said to look online, but their site doesn’t have anything in my size either.

So I figured if I can’t buy good jeans, why not make them?

Can I get ill-fitting jeans taylored? Any advice on cutting holes in them, or is that strictly a young person’s look? How can I get them to be a cooler color than I could find a JC Penny?

How much are you willing to spend on jeans? If you live near one, go directly into a Nordstrom or another good men’s store. It will probably wind up costing you ~$120/pair, but you’ll get great-fitting jeans and many nice men’s stores have in-house tailoring to make them perfect. $120 for a pair of jeans that lasts 2 years is the same as three pairs of crappy $40 jeans that develop holes, plus the cost to tailor them. IMHO, you’re better of just buying designer.

There is actually a Nordstrom not too far from me. Kind of far, but doable. And you’re the second person to recommend them.

I’m will to spend up to about $175 for a great pair.

If you are a capable seamstress, patient and able to topstitch well you can, indeed, make pretty cool designer jeans. When I was younger and in better practice I used to do this. The savings is tremendous and no one will have a pair, seams like yours. (Be careful about saying you made them yourself though, or all your friends will start wanting you to sew for them!)

The main problem you will have today will be finding the right kind of denim you desire and a decently complicated pattern. But all the bells and whistles will be more available to you than in the past - grommets, studs, good zippers, appliques, etc. Those were the hard things to find in the past. Seems very few people sew tailored clothing anymore.

I believe there may be some good sites online for sewing jeans that fit, but how cool the patterns are I dont know. You can be inventive with pockets, seams and trim, yes?

Go for it. Making your own one-of-a-kind clothing is pretty satisfying.

I’m not really much of a seamstress. Also, I’m a dude, so nothing too fancy. No Hello Kitty embroidery.

But I liked the ones I saw at Zara. Lots of studs, just the right number of rips, and a sort of weathered/crinkled look.

Studs? Rips? Unless you’re a 14 year old girl, stay away from bedazzled ass.

What would you suggest instead? I’m kind of on the fence about the rips and studs, but I’ve seen adult men pull it off.

I’ve seen plenty of adult men in Las Vegas in bedazzled jeans, but they look utterly ridiculous. It’s a very. . . specific look. Your call, of course.

And my suggestion is a nice pair of dark jeans-- like a really dark wash (not black, though), well fitted. You can wear them casually or dress up for dinner and drinks with a nice blazer. Lighter jeans, distressed jeans, etc are very aging on anyone over 22. Whiskering and such is not a good look on an adult man.

OP is a dude… and while I can’t advise him on sewing up jeans (as a DIYer I say go for it, what can go wrong?) I have to say this advice is wrong. Bedazzled ass jeans are great as long as the ass is fit and female.

2 years for a pair of jeans? For $120?

Jeans should last several years in good condition and several more after that with holes. Of course, that’s $30 jeans. maybe the more you pay, the less you get.

OP willing to pay $175 for a pair of jeans? Apparently I have been shopping in the right places all these years, because this is not only beyond my experience but beyond my comprehension.

You don’t need to bedazzle your ass. Unless you’re one of those people who can wear anything and still look good (these people know who they are), your goal should not be “I’ve seen adult men pull it off”, it should be “I’ve rarely seen this look bad on anyone”.

Good point. I’m not sure I have the body type and personality that bedazzled suits. Fits great and stylish are most important.

The personality that bedazzled jeans fit is “douchebag.” If you’d like to fit that, I suggest also picking up a few sweet Ed Hardy shirts and button downs to wear only half buttoned while in the club.

Can I say that this is really cracking me up right now.

I remember that Lucky brand would have multiple jean types and styles for you to try and get the right fit. Something like that might be worth doing.

“Bedazzled Ass Jeans”-Great designer label!

Or band name.

The HBO drama “How to make it in America” has our two heroes trying to design, manufacture and market a line of designer jeans. It’s a lot harder and it looks. You have to hang out with Lake Bell first, then there’s the whole sleeping with clients thing.

There are places online where you can custom-design your own jeans, enter your measurements and they’re made to fit. Google “Custom tailored jeans”. I have no idea how the will look or fit, but I’m willing to have you spend your money being the Dope’s guinea pig.


Loan sharks, too, if I’m remembering right. Seems like Wranglers at KMart are the easier option. :slight_smile:

I had a good experience with I kept it pretty basic, though.