Can I make my own Viagra?

The newspaper had an article the other day about some creep busted for the date rape drug, GHB or some such. It went on to say that it could be make with commonly available household chemicals. I certainly won’t be needing any of that, but it made me think, what about other drugs - such as Viagra. How hard would that be to make on your own? They put a diagram of the chemical compounds in the info packet with at least some drugs, would that help?

Depends. Do you own a biotech company?

Tee Hee Hee


Well, here’s what it is. Would you know how to manufacture it?

I wouldn’t have a clue. But I don’t know how to make any other kind of drugs either. Some of those in the “recipe” look vaguely familiar, though.

Don’t need it yet, but time marches on… just wanna be ready.

Seems kind of complicated. I’m sure there are similar concoctions that maybe consist of more readily available ingredients and/or simpler production methods.

Unforuntately, without precision equipment, even if you were able to make home made viagra, it would be hard to ensure that the batch was safe to consume. You wouldn’t want to accidentally add a dash to much pryazolo-whatever and have some horrible side effect like death.

You can usually find a guide to the synthesis of new drugs such as Viagra in the patents filed by the company that makes the substance. Such information is detailed enough that someone “skilled in the art” has a pretty good chance of duplicating the process, provided that they can find a source for the starting materials. There may also be trade secrets involved in the process, in which case you’re left to your own devices as to how to proceed.

Probably right, Incubus. I’ll just stick to something easy, like making my own space shuttle tile adhesive.

Sure you can- use two popsicle sticks and some duct tape.