Can I mention that a game I worked on is out on Steam, in The Game Room?

Hi! Long time lurker, very occasional poster :slight_smile:

I have been working on a game, called N++, that’s just come out on Steam, and I was wondering if I am allowed to post that in The Game Room – I know posters there know of the series, so I feel like there might be some interest. Letting the SDMB community know would mean a lot to me because I love this place, but I don’t want to run afoul of any rules.

I could do a “ask me anything” style thread, if that seems less overtly promotional.

what do you think?
thanks for your help!

Hit the little red triangle in the upper right hand corner of your post and contact a moderator directly.

oh sorry! will do. I do a lot of reading here but I’m kind of a posting n00b :slight_smile:

I don’t really see a problem with it.

ok awesome! thanks so much for your help!