Can I Re-Use Woolite Dye Magnet Cloths?

The directions say to throw them out after use, but I can’t see why. The cloth does not seem to be coated by any chemical. It looks relatively unchanged after running through a load of wash, with only a slight tint of whatever dyes came from the clothes.

It makes me think of the maker of disposable contact lenses who was sued because the directions told people to throw out their lenses each evening, when actually, the lenses could be worn for a week with no ill effects.

So, can Woolite Dye Magnet cloths be used again? Are the directions to toss them out only a way to encourage me to buy more of them?

There are 2 kinds of Woolite Dye Magnets. One is an actual cloth that yes, you can re-use several times. The other is a much thinner one that resembles a disposable dryer sheet. The latter probably would not work the second time. Try it (on some stuff that you wouldn’t cry over if the colors ran) and find out. Put an old white t-shirt in with some new jeans, for example. Unlike contact lenses, the worst that would happen is you’d have a splotchy t-shirt.

The ones that I have came in a box of 20, I believe. They are much thicker than dryer sheets, made from a papery cloth.

I did try it, but I’m not completely sure of the results. (I didn’t have any brand-new clothes, but I washed a lot of different colors together.) The cloth came out greyer than it had gone in, so I assume it absorbed * something. *