Can I smoke yet?

Marijuana possession law ‘erased’

Ellen van Wageningen
CanWest News Service
Saturday, May 17, 2003

WINDSOR – Possessing less than 30 grams of marijuana is no longer against the law in Ontario, a Windsor judge says in a ruling released yesterday that compounds the chaos over Canada’s pot laws.

    can i smoke in front of a cop yet?

You can be the test case. :smiley:

As far as the courts in Ontario are concerned, there is no law against possession of small amounts of marijuana. So as long as you’re in Ontario, go for it. But be careful. Growing, selling, and possessing large amounts are still illegal. And police aren’t always the best at following court rulings like this. Sp you might still get arrested for having a joint in your pocket; you could try suing the arresting officer/department afterwards, though.

hmmm, seems a little hasty.

i dont get this. You can have “small” amounts of marijuana but cannot sell or smoke it. Who carries around a small amount of marijuana without the intent to sell or smoke it?
“uh no officer, that’s my lucky stash of weed. i carry it for good luck, that’s all!”
Thats just another dumb law.

No one said you weren’t allowed to smoke it…

I think the key here is that no one said that you * were * allowed to smoke it, just allowed to posses it. I don’t think I would try smoking it in public unless you have a good lawyer and want to challenge the system.

Generally laws tell you what you *cant* do not what you *can* do. There is no law that says I can smoke cigarettes. Just ones that say when and where I cant. Please correct me if I`m wrong.:wink:

Before the ban on possession was lifted, there was not a ban on smoking or having THC in your system. If you smoked then you had it in your possession, same thing. Now that the possession ban is lifted they can be two seperate issues. The law would have to address the smoking part seperately now. Or the THC levels in the body.