I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hostility for this but hear me out.
Back when the death rate was considered to be 2-4%, that is a pretty high number. We’re looking at worst case scenario, 60-70% of the human race gets the infection and 2-4% die, that means up to 200 million dead.
A huge number and sheltering in place makes a lot of sense.
But isn’t newer research showing the death rate is closer to 0.5%, possibly even lower? If so, then global death rates would be closer to 25 million. Still a huge number, but about 60 million die each year and most of those 25 million are people who are not far from death anyway.
I think this point is serious because some diseases main and harm young people for life. The spanish flu killed people in their primes due to a cytokine storm. Other infections like smallpox or malaria infect children and either end their lives, or disable them for life. But the coronavirus seems to mostly kill people who have lived their productive years.
Obviously, there are good reasons to take all these precautions. Governments all over the world of a wide range of government types and ideologies are taking this virus seriously and listening to educated experts who say to shelter in place, reduce contact, etc. So obviously, its a very serious issue.
I guess I’m starting to get confused as to why a virus with a 0.5% mortality rating is this big of a deal that we are looking at endless trillions in economic damage and a global depression. The major strain of smallpox had a 30% mortality rate, and I don’t believe they shut society down when they were vaccinating against that disease. a case fatality rate of 0.5% is about on par with malaria, and societies with that don’t shut down. To my knowledge the spanish flu didn’t lead to large scale lockdowns, endless trillions in global debt spending and initiative a global depression and it had a higher death rate.
I know about bending the curve and trying to buy time so we can invent drug regimens, research vaccines, manufacture more PPE, etc. And I know that even though the virus is just starting (it’ll be much much worse in April and May), hospitals are already overrun and running out of PPE.
Again, obviously this is all being done for a good reason because people far more educated than me are calling for it to happen. I’m just confused as to what exactly that reason is if the death rate is far lower than we thought.
TL;DR - why is a disease with a 0.5% or possibly lower mortality rating where most of the deaths are among people who are going to die soon anyway serious enough to warrant all these precautions and shutdowns? Do societies shut down like this over smallpox (before vaccines) or malaria? We could be looking at endless trillions in spending globally on sheltering in place as well as a global depression after this is all over. Obviously people way smarter than me think this is a good idea, I’m just curious if someone can explain it to me in a way that makes sense to me.