Can the vice-president be elected in perpetuity?

Because I think the next democratic nominee should have Joe Biden as their running mate. I just like the guy. He’s like America’s favourite uncle. The guy who lets you have a sip from their beer. Teaches you crude jokes and always has time for you.

I know the guy has had a hard life, so maybe let him chill at the White House until he decides to retire. I hear the food is excellent and flying in Air Force One/Two is hella cool.


But it isn’t going to happen

Yes, there is one VP term limit . . . death.

before or after he molests you?

Something tells me that Trump won’t pick Joe. Of course Trump might just do anything. :eek:

He lives at the Naval Observatory.

George Clinton served as Vice President under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. John C. Calhoun served as Vice President under both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.

Oddly enough, neither one served even two full terms as VP. Clinton died in office and Calhoun resigned to return to the Senate.

And he wasn’t just any ordinary Huckleberry Hound.