Can we send you a money order?

There were some postings about this during the SD’s transition to its paid format, but the answers seemed less than ideal. The question is: Is there a way one can subscribe to the Straight Dope anonymously, without using a credit card, Paypal account or other personally identifiable information? How hard would it be to set up a P.O. Box to which someone could send a money order with a note, saying essentially “Here’s the money. Give (guest user name) a year.”? If that can’t happen, is there a comparable alternative?

Also, on another subject, is a spell-check function available as part of the posting process?

While you wait for an official response, you might want to check out this thread, which has a mod and an admin answering the same basic question. I know you can’t search yet and probably haven’t seen it.

And in answer to your second question, no. Most people who are worried about spelling c&p into/from their favorite word processing program. Some compose in a word processor anyway - there’s nothing like spending half an hour composing a brilliant post full of wit, wisdom, and irrefutable logic just to have the hamsters go on a cigarette break as you click submit.

I find it’s often just a problem of the hamsters needing a P. :stuck_out_tongue: