Can you please turn off the goddam tapatalk crap?!?

Okay, we’ll consider turning it off.


Any particular reason to revive a year-old thread with a link to a ten-year-old review of Tapatalk? Particularly since the move to Discourse, I don’t think Tapatalk is even relevant.

Continuing the discussion from Can you please turn off the goddam tapatalk crap!?!

“Any particular reason to revive a year-old thread with a link to a ten-year-old review of Tapatalk? Particularly since the move to Discourse, I don’t think Tapatalk is even relevant” UNQUOTE

Straightdope showed me that it was not read, I was following the TOPIC. Eventually when I finally got logged in and was able to remain logged in.

I guess blame it on the maintenance update the Mod posted about from last week… Or a quirk of ‘Discourse.’…Or the the webboard gremlins!

So go bag one. Hunting season is OPEN!

I used to have a Control Panel app on my old Mac running System 7 that made the sound of an old-fashioned typewriter whenever I typed, complete with the “ding!” sound when I hit enter.

sent from my PowerMac 5200 LC using TappyType

I believe I saw “sent from my BlackBerry” years before Apple made their first iPhone.

I assumed that sort of thing (Sent from my iPhone/Blackberry/Android/whatever) was meant to excuse thumb-typing typos.

I used to post via Tapatalk and got this complaint often. Maybe some people here should consider just getting a life and find something serious to bitch about?

Perhaps you should.

Why? I mean, what a dumb thing to make an issue out of.

At least your battery is almost full despite all the bluetooth, WiFi, tapathing, vibratto, alarm and so on that you have switched on, and it is almost 11 AM already. Sent from my laptop just to put you in italic mode. Perhaps it switches off if I write sent from again? Like < fuck> and < /fuck> (or was it < fuck off>), only different?

No dumber than you making an issue out of their making an issue of it.

It’s basically an ad or a brag cluttering up the viewer’s screen unbidden. Makes it more work to read posts on a phone among other things. Shut off the damn tapatalk ad/brag already. I only post on an iPad or more rarely an iPhone yet I can somehow resist bragging about that inconsequential fact on every post.

It’s not my fault or my problem. It automatically comes up if you post using that very useful and user friendly app. I’m not sure how I’m bragging by using it. I suggest you contact the SDMB to see if there is a way to disconnect their message board from the app.

@Codinghorror can correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think Tapatalk can even be used with Discourse so really the whole discussion is moot.

It’s my understanding the the tapatalk user (the sender) can easily change their Settings to prevent those annoying notifications from being appended to their outgoing messages.

I used to use Tapatalk (but found the setting to switch off the “posted with Tapatalk” line). It does not work with the new forum unless there’s some trick I don’t know about.

No, Tapatalk is not necessary for Discourse; it’s designed for much older software.

Best part of Tapatalk is they host images for you. Don’t have to link to imagur or whatever. Just upload an image using their app and it’s seamless.

Yes, once upon a time i used Tapatalk, and i quickly turned off that annoying footer.

But i haven’t used it in ages. And as no one (as per codinghorror) is using it in Discourse, it seems odd to be complaining about it today.

My guess is a spammer posted to this thread and bumped it “unread” for a bunch of people.

Yeah, unfortunately images are turned off here, but on a “normal” Discourse, image uploading is enabled.