Can you Really Blow Up A Mosquitoe by Pumping Your Arm?

I know I know another dang mosquito question. But my wife’s cousin came down this weekend and he said if you see a mosquitoe on your arm wait until he is full of blood, then pump your arm and we will explode from the extra blood pressure. Does this really work? I have heard about it before but I wonder if it is just an urban bug legend or something. Anybody here ever done it? If it does work, is it just totally cool watching them blow up?

Cecil’s column:
If you flex your muscle when a mosquito bites you, will it swell up and explode?

Thanks for the link.

I don’t have the patience to try doing that. It takes far too long IMO to wait for the little fools to land in the right spot. I’ve never tried flexing a muscle or stretching out a canvas of skin to trap them with, but there is a variation where once it chooses a spot and starts sucking, that you pinch the skin around it to force more blood up it’s snout and then… pop! That’s the easiest, and it’s still too long and frustrating for me. Once the thing starts drilling and sucking and you move your hand over it sees your hand coming and just flies off with half of load already. You can wait with hand/fingers in place, but it will take all day for a mosquito to wander into that particular 2" square patch of skin. There are only really a few places where flexing your muscles will put any real change in size or pressure on the skin. With my luck, the damn things would bite my wrist or finger. Anyone who has succesful experience with this was either very lucky to get a cooperative mosquito, or has FAR TOO MUCH idle time on their hands.