Can you recommend good tight weave carpets that clean well?

I’m looking into carpet in my guest room. Requires a tight weave, dense carpet that’s wheelchair friendly for a elderly guest. The wheels will cut grooves into the rug and even cut the pad over extended use. Need a good quality, thin pad.

I’m thinking about nylon? Something very non-absortant and thats stain resistant? Don’t want urine or poop soiling deeply into the fibers.

I see a Petdefense brand carpet on web sites. Has anyone tried that brand?

I’m leaning towards a commercial grade. They’re designed for high traffic and heavy wheelchair use. The room is only 14x18. $5 to $6 a yard isn’t all that much. 252sq ft. How much carpet is that?

What material s works best? What do you recommend?

They certainly make Petdefense sound good. Their colors are limited to grays and charcoal.

Whatever carpet you choose, DON’T choose tan or beige.

Just. Don’t.

The designer who originally decided tan/beige was a good neutral color that would go with any style should be tortured to death and then set on fire.


Noted. :wink:

No white carpet either.

I’ll probably go with a grey. That’s an option Pet Defense offers. I like dark blue but it wouldn’t go with the wall color.

Good choice. It’s the most neutral color that doesn’t suck.


DARK grey. Light grey would be almost as bad as tan/beige.


I’ll see what’s available. Dark grey wiuld be more neutral. Real stretched carpet. Not the sticky tiles.

Why are you set on carpet? I would never, ever want carpet again. No matter how much you clean it, it still holds dirt, odor and stains. When we ripped up the last of our carpet years ago, I was appalled at all of the stain marks on the backside. I had cleaned that carpet numerous times every year. It was also musty smelling.

Go with laminate or vinyl. There is some beautiful vinyl flooring out now.

Cushioning in case my mom falls out of bed.

I was waiting for this question to come up. My gf’s nephew just bought a house. The carpets are all in great shape, but he is ripping them out and refinishing the hardwood that the carpets had covered.

Perhaps an area rug right next to her bed? Or even a foam mat next to the bed, just in case she does fall out of bed. You might also consider safety rails to prevent her falling out.

Because I agree that vinyl might make for a better floor material.

Traditional stretched carpet is easy to remove. The tack strips are already there. The builder left us the cheapest carpet they could buy.

It’s ten years old

I may eventually put down hardwood. We have it in the living room.

Speaking for myself, we have a lot of carpet in our house. We bought a house in a planned neighborhood before it was built, and we got to choose a number of color options, but otherwise it was done like a factory the same way as everything else in the neighborhood. The kitchen and entryway have hardwood (beautiful too), the bathrooms have vinyl floors, but everything else is carpet. So there is a lot.

We raised my youngest daughter her since she was a baby (she is now turning 8) so our carpet has seen a lot. Also, my wife got a puppy during Covid lockdowns (as many others did) which has the expected consequences. We try to clean these carpets as best we can, but it has been through the war and has scars.

We do plan to someday rip up the carpets and do something else. Probably hardwood and/or wood laminate. It’ll be expensive but it’ll be worth it.

I eventually want to replace the cheap laminate hardwood that the builder cursed us with.

I’ll run that new hardware flooring into the guest bedroom then.