Can you sleep with Randy Smith?

People are using an old video tutorial for an early version of Word for Mac as a sleep aid. I find it an interesting windows into history, though, from parts I’ve watched, which includes discussion of the cripling limitations on fonts at the time. (That’s about 3 years before my first version of Word for Windows.)

Your link says someone called that the most boring video of all time. Not even close! The most boring video of all time is the US Navy’s Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD) training video from the 1980s.

I won’t mention the gentleman’s name who produced them, but the similarly-vintaged zombie-like monotone SCBA training classes (on scratchy videotape) I was forced to endure were like Chinese water torture. Universally detested as cruel and unusual punishment. Made even worse as one supervisor I had, given a manifesto to hold weekly safety meetings/presentations, kept running out of ideas to talk about and brought them out every few months. After about the third time in a calendar year my crew finally rebelled and said if he ever started playing one of fucking things again we would burn them in a barrel and possibly him along with them :slight_smile:.

They can’t all be rollicking classics like Yoke is No Joke

Here’s a Youtube link in case the ad-blocker is being stupid:

But, ugh, two spaces after a period? That’s not exactly competent use of a word processor. But everything else is masterful.

The subject matter is totally outdated and boring, but Randy isn’t. He’s not ASMR. He’s professional and has a pleasant voice.

I still do two spaces. It’s how I was taught, and my muscle memory still reigns supreme on that front.