Can you tell them apart?

Here’s a picture of King George V and Tsar Nicholar II. Can you tell which is which without looking it up?

I’d have to say the one on the left is Adam after a few weeks of not shaving(his face), the one on the right is Jamie after a few weeks of not shaving (his head). You can tell because of the hairlines.

My guess here:

the filename lists them correctly from left to right.

A better question is: who is the better looking of the two? Who is the better dressed?

My guess is:

[spoiler]Russia on left, England on right. My reason is that the guy on the left has more swirlies and fur in his outfit. The top of his boots having the two dangling puffs and the lace design on his thighs are the key items.

Also helps that the guy on the right looks a bit like Hugh Laurie.[/spoiler]

Personally, I would say that the guy on the left is better looking if you just mean his face. Neither outfit does much for me.

The guy on the left is Nick, the right is George. How do I know? The English are much more organized.

Oddly enough I recently watched a show about the Windsors, and I remember thinking what sullen looking fella that George V was. So I was able to tell them apart since the guy on the left is better looking.

That guy has more cords and braids on him than the inside of a server room. If he was ever in a suicidal mood he could hang himself from his own uniform.

I’ve seen similar photos of their respective mothers (who were sisters, born the Princesses Alexandra and Dagmar of Denmark), dressed exactly alike and hard to tell apart.

According to Wikipedia, they were first cousins through their mothers. Additionally, George V and Wilhelm II of Germany were first cousins through Queen Victoria (George’s father’s side).

Just, y’know… sayin’.

This was the subject of the Final Jeopardy clue seen here.

I was wrong. And I thought I knew.

I’d say the right hand person is King George V. I hope you let us know eventually.

Without stealing Argent Towers thunder, it is easy to find out.

Wiki confirms I guessed right; George V is on the right, Nicholas II is on the left. I went on the basis that the Ruskie would be the one wearing fur.

I guessed George was on the right because he has that slightly pop-eyed look that I associate with that generation of British royals.

I guessed correctly as well, on the same basis as Cazzle.

Mr. Kobayashi got the right answer, but the reason is wrong:

According to this site, the monarchs switched uniforms for the occasion.

Without looking at any other posts:

I believe the Tsar is on the left, as I’ve seen many stamps of the British Empire from George V’s reign, and the guy on the right is more reminiscent of the monarchical portraits on those stamps.

Ha,those wacky royals and their ways. Cazzle also points out a discernible difference in their facial structures, their eyes are quite different.

Well, right now the guy in white.

Ask me again after Labor Day.

You win.