Canada same-sex marriage vote TODAY!


Now I can add another reason to the list of why I’m so proud to be Canadian.

I think matt summed it up.

:: wonders how long it will be until there is an organisation to acculturate escaped Americans ::

Pride Day in Yellowknife consists of giving out cake in front of the Post Office. I found this to be a very fitting statement.

Yay Canada!

Now to try and get part of the anthem changed from God keep our land glorious and free! to God keep our land fabulous and free!

“Closure” is the guillotine - the Government moves closure, the House votes on that motion, and if that motion passes, there’s no further debate - a vote is called on the main issue immediately.

Notwithstanding some press accounts, that’s not what happened last night. Rather, the Government introduced a motion for time allocation - that the House would debate the issue at third reading for no more than eight hours, then Mr. Speaker would call a vote on Third Reading. The eight hours ran out earlier this evening, so Mr. Speaker called the vote.

Rather than a guillotine, time allocation is more of a water torture motion… :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone’s way ahead of you.

Oh, see, south of the border we call it “cloture.”

PARTY! throws a big celebration bash

hmmm - it’s been over 12 hours and so far the sky hasn’t fallen. Haven’t noticed any lightning bolts, either.
although I bet Fred Phelps had a hellluva conniption fit this morning

checks Hmmm, civilization hasn’t collapsed and the very fabric of society hasn’t been torn apart in Toronto. I don’t think.

How’s it looking out in the other provinces?

Check out my King Ralph pitting. What a…politician.

It’s been raining all day here. That’s sort of like the sky falling.

all I can say is:



“about frickin’ time!”

oh, and

“Take that, Stephen Harper, you bigoted little shit”

I guess maybe I have a lot to say on the subject.

Well, floods in three provnces… record heat wave in Ontario and Quebec… I don’t see any locusts yet, though, so it must be a coincidence. :smiley:

And where were the biggest floods? Alberta! Hmm. Makes me wonder which way the Smite button is aimed…

“I kept hearing, ‘The only thing keeping this city from being completely ruined by the floodwaters is that BIG DYKE!’ And I’m like, Oh sure, call us in when you have an emergency!” - Georgia Ragsdale

Me, me, me, me :smiley:

Yay Canada! :slight_smile: Welcome to the club!

I dunno; Spain’s in the club too, now, and you know how Canadians and the Spanish mix…

How’re the locusts in SK this year, Gorsnak?

The 'hoppers don’t like the cool rainy weather. Very few around. Now, back the last year of the drought we had clouds of the things. But not this year.