CanadaDope 2017: Celebrating the Sesquicentennial - "... and loving it!"

Live in Newfoundland. I’ve been to Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario.

That was exactly what I thought the next day during the 15 hours from Sault Ste. Marie to Winnipeg.

Nice! I love tooling around the back areas though I normally go on foot. I just never think to take pictures or videos.

Has anyone received their free park pass? Or even got a confirmation e-mail?
One spot on the site says 3 days, but elsewhere it says 6 weeks. Given the demand I’m leaving towards the longer time frame.


I received mine just before Christmas after ordering it December 1st.

I’d like to go to national parks this year, but I’m not sure how many parks are accessible to those who don’t like to drive much.

I got a email notification for the park pass I ordered on the 11th today (the 16th)
Wonder what happened to my previous order? Oh well.


The closest one to me is a four hour dive away, or for folks without a car, a three hour, forty minutes drive followed by a five hour walk, or a five hour paddle unless you are wind bound for a few days. We need more national parks.

It seems inescapably logical to me that most natural parks of size and note will always be some distance away from where most people live.

Correction – a five hour paddle from the nearest town, or about three weeks from my place including wind days.

Yup. So create them now for future generations.

On the topic of the Sesquicentennial, I was watching Murdoch Mysteries last night, and there was a bit with Constables Crabtree and Harris and a man looking for his missing travel journal. Towards the end, he shows up again, finds a piece of paper which he says is a page from his journal, with a sketch of the CN Tower. He then mentions something about celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday, to the great puzzlement of Crabtree and Harris. Did I miss something possibly explaining this, or is this going to be a developing plot line for future episodes?

As a personal Sesquicentennial project, a friend who collects old games plans to play a different game from every year of the past 150. He’s trying for games published in each year, but will likely need to fill some gaps with games which were at least played in that year.

The man was Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea.

My wife was excited to get her free park pass in the mail until I noted the distance thing. I suspect we’ll end up going to either Point Pelee or Bruce Peninsula this summer, but probably not both.

Pelee is best in the spring – more birds than a Hitchock movie and an Attenborough documentary combined. Bruce is best for hiking in the fall colours. Both are terrific!

Looks like the Poysyn gang is moving East - to Ottawa (of course), since don’t all roads eventually lead there?

Kind of exciting to know I will be in the NCR for Canada’s 150th. :slight_smile:

Have you been to Ottawa before? It’s not far from me, so I’ve been there many times.

Welcome! We’ll have to set up a coffee date sometime or better yet, set up an Ottawa Dopefest! Haven’t had one in a while - Leaffan, are you listening?

Going to NDHQ?

I have been there on lots of work trips, but not much looking around in terms of what it would be like to live there.

I thought you did live there, because of previous posts. Weren’t you in lock-down the day of the Cenotaph/Hill shootings?

I’m all over it, especially since my job is now back in town, and not Chalk River.

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