"Canadian" as pejorative?

Well, in fairness, I do hear “American” used as a pejorative from time to time by Canadians.

I have heard “Canadian” used to mean either “black” or “gay.” If this is meant pejoratively, it reveals quite a lot about the speaker.

Does he have beady little eyes and a flappin’ head (so full of lies). Does his car have square wheels? (For those who don’t know all these & previous references are from South Park…)

I heard of a contest once that had contestants fill in the blank: “As Canadian as ______”

The winner:

As Canadian as possible, given the circumstances.

As a 20-year resident of the Twin Cities, if I had to typify Canadians, I’d say, peaceful, quiet, distant, disconnected, and sparse.

I’ve been wondering what that means as well.

Blame Canada!

This isn’t related to the OP, going by context…but in the restaurant industry, Canadian=Black.

That’s the only use of it I know of it outside the literal. First encountered it around 2002 or 2003 here in Chicago.

Or, as we call them, “frost-backs.”

Code for blacks in what sub-groups? So far I’ve seen here restaurant workers. Cops?

In NYC a cop will indicate the person about whom they’re speaking is black by sliding the palm/fingers of one hand over the surface of the thumb-side hand of the other.

I’ve just heard it in general conversation, not particular to a specific subculture. I’ve heard it attributed to cops here, but I can’t confirm.

I obviously should have said (unobstrusively) indicate to other cops. I don’t know if black cops do this, although I suppose they are surely aware of it. Would be interesting to know. I don’t know any black cops, and am not about to ask one.

Used to use “American” to describe people from Ontario (mostly south On) but now mainly for Alberta drivers; total a-holes, no courtesy, no common sense, can’t drive a crooked/hilly road without riding the brakes and have NEVER used a rear-view mirror.
The vast manority of americans I’ve encountered/interacted with have been wonderful folks

“Canadian” Bacon, 'Nuff Said. :cool:

You know “Canadian bacon” is not a Canadian thing, right?

So…French Kissing…:eek:

“Jacques, you crazy Canadian.”

What are the circumstances under which one cop can’t just say to another cop the person he’s talking about is black?

:confused::confused::confused: about this code for “black” stuff… never heard of that.

Around these parts, if someone uses “Canadian” in any negative sense, they’re pretty much exclusively referring to *French *Canadians. Sorry, Quebecois (pretend there were some accent marks in there), I still love you!

He’s not your guy, friend!