Canadian copyright law question

Can anyone confirm the information contained in this article?

Tech Central Station - Blame Canada

Relevant excerpt:

According to the article, the Canadian Copyright Act was modified to allow such copying in response to heavy lobbying by the music industry, because in exchange the act puts levies on blank media - tapes and cd-roms.

I am not a lawyer, and specifically not a lawyer specializing in Canadian copyright law, and so I thought I might survey the board for a more informed opinion. However, the article certainly appears to be credible, and I have no particular reason to doubt its accuracy.

I ask this in part because of the thread started by roxx222 and shut down by bibliophage asking about the legal consequences of using Kazaa. Contrary to what bibliophage asserts in closing that thread, it appears that filesharing is entirely legal in roxx222’s case, assuming that the given location of Montreal is accurate, and if the article cited above is correct.