Canadopers: fall federal election[!]

Five week campaigns seem wonderful to me. Where the Canadians could improve their system is in ending single member ridings and first past the post voting.

Well, it is official and I have edited the title to reflect that. I also think it it is a mistake. We will see.

I notice your edit contains the word election and an exclamation mark! Perhaps someone feels that way about an election, but probably not many. :wink:

Your one meaningful chance to engage in the democratic process! The right your forebears fought and died for! The one thing that separates us from godless Communism! What isn’t there to get excited about?!

Good points! But I’d be more excited if we had a chance to vote for Jeb!

Bush?! Or do you mean Jed? Bartlett or Clampett!!

FPTP I’m prepared to discuss replacing with STV or similar, but I’m not a fan of replacing single member ridings. I want to call my MP if things go sideways and I need help from someone accountable to the public, not some party apparatchik. I don’t think party list members give you that.

I had a thought that the government would arrive at 2 or 3 methods to improve representation on a riding level. Parliament would then empower Elections Canada to hold the next 4 or 6 by-elections using those models to get a feel for how people would react, what kind of education would have to take place, etc. Not that by-elections aren’t important but it would be far better to get the data in before massively rejigging everything during a federal election. The parties might care but I dont. I mean if a Conservative gets in instead of a Liberal or a Green gets past a NDP candidate it’s not that big of a deal.

Anyway, been a day, still hating this election but bring it on! :slight_smile:

Another way to think about it is that in a multi-member riding, you have multiple MPs vying to help you and win your future vote for her party.

Bush had 2016 campaign signs saying “Jeb!” Not the most energetic candidate, Trump has a field day with this.

Still prefer Jed! Bartlett or Clampett!

I would like to see either approval voting or ranked choice. Trudeau promised to do something about the FPTP system. What would likely happen is that a lot of people (including me) would approve of the NPD and Liberal candidates (or rank them 1-2 in either order). At the very least, it would prevent a Conservative from winning with 40% while the other two split 60%.

Although Trudeau must realize this, he is likely afraid that it would result in a government that is a coalition of the two parties–pretty much what he had before parliament was dissolved.

Well here’s a policy statement from the Conservatives that is not actually “we hate Trudeau”, so credit to them:

“Conservatives propose ‘tax holiday’ for GST in December”

What is this supposed to accomplish? We have a housing crisis in Canada, we have a cost of living crisis in Canada, we have inflation for the first time in decades being an issue," said O’Toole at a campaign stop in Vaughan.
And this will help these issues… how exactly?

It really does not make much economic sense. Why not have this tax holiday in January or February when sales are slow and they need a boost? Does consumer spending really need a kick right now (narrator:
perhaps in specific areas, but not as a general theme)

the Canadian Federation of Independent Business called the tax holiday “a bit gimmicky.”

“What a short-term GST holiday would likely do is shift sales from one month to another, leading to very little change in overall consumer spending,” CFIB president Dan Kelly said in a statement.

The idea is basically being panned by a lot of knowledgeable people.

And at least one report in the US (so, okay, grains of salt) says the growth in inflation is entirely due to the rise in price of fossil fuels and vehicles, so not a generalized inflation, and so unlikely to be a long-standing problem. I think part of the problem the Conservatives have is the Liberal party has moved so far to the right, the only place the Conservatives can go to differentiate themselves is to the fringe

Some coherent financial ideas would be great, other than “We’ll cut the GST for a month… because.”

They exist well enough to by some bill board ad time here in Niagara Falls. Campaign slogan? “The Other Parties Suck”. That’s not a joke, that’s what it actually said.

One observation on the built-in hypocrisy of the system:

“No one wants an election right now!” shouted the Conservatives, as they pulled out thousands of printed copies of their slickly-produced platform, and hundreds of thousands of election signs.

It is easy to forget the Liberals were not in great shape when Trudeau took over the party. This is when the calls for FPTP reform were loudest. They say you can still hear them on moonless dark nights when the wind blows southwest.

I liked it better when the wind cried Mary.

I thought the wind was called Mariah?