Hello SDMB, I’ve been a lurker for years and would like to tap your collective knowledge now. Is there an equivalent of something like webmd.com for canine questions? We’ve got a 4 month old British retriever that has had chronic diarrhea for most of the time we’ve had her. She went in to be spayed today and they planned to do some biopsies for further tests on why this hasn’t cleared.
We won’t get results back for about a week and I wanted to try and research what could possibly be the problem(s). When I googled terms about dogs and diarrhea there were just so many hits that I didn’t know how to filter through them.
So, is there a site that I could search for info?? Thanks in advance for all comments.
Initial results from the operation were this:
Spaying went fine, no problems with bleeding or anything.
Lower lymph nodes,(near rear) wear very inflamed. About twice normal size. These were biopsied also.
Seccum (spelling? Comparable to appendix in humans) was also very enlarged. Vet said that if he didn’t know any better that it looked like cancer. But would be very rare in a dog this age.
Biopsy of small intestine was done.
Worms are not the problem, she has been through a couple of rounds to clear those out. They were present weeks ago and the vets thought that was the problem. They have been gone for three weeks now. (that’s what the vet said based on fecal exams) And energy levels and activity have not been low at all, she goes gonzo at the least encouragement. Gaining weight and eating fine also.
The anti-diarrea medicine metronidazole is what she has been on to control loose stools. It has worked well when she’s on it. Two days after going off, the runs are back.
I know not to solicit medical advice, canine or human and don’t mean to do that. I’m just hoping for…I don’t know, sites to do research, anyone with similar troubles and what they did.