Cannabis Extracts for the Primary Treatment of Cancer, Epilepsy, and More

The problem with anecdotal evidence is it does not document all the people who tried X medication and it didn’t work for them. Yes, it is amazing when someone has a remission after using cannabis extracts, but how many people used it and didn’t get that result? Nobody compiles stories of people who tried cannabis then died of cancer.

Anecdotal evidence may be useful in stimulating peer-reviewed studies to determine efficacy. Unfortunately, that is less likely in the case of cannabis, because it can’t be patented. The vast majority of peer-reviewed studies are funded by pharmaceutical companies looking for the next Lipitor. If it can’t be patented, they are not going to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars it takes to develop a new medication. So definitive studies proving that cannabis cures cancer probably won’t happen.

I’m glad you brought up failures. While I do address the topic in my report, I don’t include any outright failures, but some cases where people indicate incomplete remission. However, in my extensive experience of being in this movement, I can say the success rate is definitely above 80%, probably closer to 90%. I’ve heard a few cases of cancer patients not recovering completely and then dying, or cancer growth only being stopped but not completely eliminated, or cancers returning, like in the case of Cash Hyde. Even in these cases, the patients all improve somehow… I honestly haven’t seen a case where someone got worse. Speaking with people who lost family members, they say their passings were peaceful and painless, which doubtless would have been the case if they were massively dosed on opiates or other pharmaceuticals.

So in general, it works, and most times works miraculously well. I know the report is long, but if anybody can manage to read every word, I promise it’s worth it.

Also, we don’t need the pharmaceutical companies for this. What if an entire hospice center of terminal cancer patients was treated, and the majority of them went into full remission? Do you think dying cancer patients around the world would wait for access to this medicine, when any common-sense person would understand that if so many people went into remission, there is clearly effectiveness? This will be revolutionary. People won’t wait for laws to change or for true clinical trials - already, with regards to CBD and epilepsy, parents are suing states for access, and in Utah a lawmaker is championing to import high-CBD oil into his state to help parents. It’s already changing, and this report is simply the full story of what’s going on.

We need double-blind, peer reviewed studies to determine if cannabis cures cancer. Even if you could somehow convince an entire hospice center to try cannabis, and all of them went into remission, it is still too small a sample to predict what would happen when millions of people tried it.

My wife died of diffuse systemic scleroderma, and we encountered many miracle treatments with equally amazing anecdotal stories. How do we decide which treatment is best? Should we try them all? Do you know how discouraging it is to become emotionally invested in a new miracle treatment, only to be disappointed yet again when it fails to live up to the anecdotes?

We decided to use science to determine what works and what doesn’t. And that means accepted double blind protocols. Which cost millions of dollars. Sorry if I can’t just take your word for it. I have heard it all before.

Yes! What’s the worst that could happen?

And just how many did you not include?
And incomplete remission means it didn’t work.

With the number of people using medical marijuana to treat pain, lack of hunger & other symptoms of cancer, those numbers may well be out there, they just haven’t been compiled yet.

I do not include failed results also because I couldn’t find the ones I remembered, which were from years ago. I’d heard some recent ones but those were also from some time ago and weren’t readily available. There are some cases in the report where complete recovery wasn’t achieved, like Jeff for some breathing problems and Cash Hyde’s recurrence of cancer. But for the majority of issues in the majority of cases, it works miraculously.

We can’t wait for the peer-reviewed studies - every day, people die, and holding back is not an option because of that reality. And I understand the pain and frustration of having promised treatments not live up to the claims. I can’t imagine how it is when one’s life is on the line. But nonetheless, this truly is different than any other “alternative” treatment that’s ever appeared. The rich history, the widespread use, the rising acceptance and very immediate news.

In terms of people putting their lives on the line for a radical treatment, that’s what these families who’ve moved to Colorado have done. They have uprooted their lives to try this medicine for their epileptic children, and it’s working! Their hopes are actually being realized. Like this Salt Lake Tribute article states, 9 out of the 11 children being tracked by Dr. Margaret Gedde have had 90-100% reductions in seizures. The replication has been seen by doctors, dispensaries, individuals, corporations, and small teams. And the science that surrounds cannabinoid medicine is unlike anything else, in terms of the range of effectiveness and the fundamental nature of the endocannabinoid system. There’s no doubt something special is going on.

Sick people can’t afford to waste their time on treatments that don’t work. That’s why we need peer-reviewed studies and real evidence. And anyway, studies of that type often compare a new treatment to one that is already used to one that’s being proposed, or they compare a combination of the new treatment and the old treatment to the old treatment along. That way nobody is going untreated.

It really isn’t. It’s something that should be studied, but no, you don’t upend the entire research process because of potential good results for a handful of people. You want to avoid all unnecessary delays but you don’t eliminate all the safeguards.

To put numbers on it, I’ve probably seen about 4-6 “failures” - that is, where oil could not kill the cancer, and only secondary effects were observed, like reduced pain, better sense of well-being, reduced or stopped growth, etc. There are a couple cases where cancer was eliminated but came back, like in Cash Hyde. But that pales in comparison to the dozens of clear-cut successes and amazing transformations. I have never seen a complete failure but I’ve seen so many complete successes.

Fear Itself, do not take my word for it. Take the time to read this report, you’ll see exactly why cannabis is different and why it works against virtually anything. The science is remarkable…

Let’s see your best case where such an oil cured cancer.

Clearly, we have different definitions for what constitutes science.

They all are. Just ask their evangelists.

I can explain why this is different than anything that’s come before - now that’s a good debate.

First, cannabis has been used for thousands of years in medicine, and there’s literature going back to at least 1869 of its use in reducing tumors. Anybody can grow cannabis easily and use it to make medicine. It is used for recreation throughout the world and is so common, but most people don’t understand its full use. The availability and cultural significance alone makes this very different.

Then there’s the science, which indicates that cannabinoids can kill virtually any kind of cancer cell in cultures. There’s also evidence that the human body is literally programmed to have cannabinoids kill cancer cells, because some cancer cells have higher expressions of cannabinoid receptors than healthy cells, and even endocannabinoids like anandamide kill cancer cells. So even without using external phytocannabinoids, if cells become cancerous, as a last-resort mechanism they develop more cannabinoid receptors, and then get killed by the anandamide our body makes. There’s also evidence that cannabinoids benefit virtually any disease imaginable. Finally, there is science which suggests the endocannabinoid system regulates systemic homeostasis in the body and provides postsynaptic feedback between nerve cells, which would explain why cannabinoids are effective against so many diseases.

And the experiential results are truly overwhelming. I encourage you to please analyze these with your minds and hearts, as these can’t just be dismissed as “anecdotal.” Even just looking at a few of these remarkable results is incredible, and there are so many. This absolutely isn’t ordinary. I’ve looked at other purported cures - Vitamin B17, black salve, essiac tea, etc… none of them come anywhere close to cannabis in terms of the science and experience.

Wait, what? Seriously?

This guy can’t be serious. No way in hell this guy is serious. I quote, from

Emphasis mine. These people belong in the same category as hardcore homeopaths and Gary Null.

Cannabinols have certain well-documented positive effects. These effects are, as the description implies, well-documented. The evidence supporting them is strong, with peer-reviewed studies showing very promising results and follow-ups on the way. But this?

I’m sorry, but unless I’m misunderstanding you completely and you’re not talking about cancer (I’m drunk, so this is a possibility) but rather something like MS, I do not believe you. I do not believe for a second that your report is legitimate. It has undergone no peer-review, the results are miraculous to the point of being unrealistic, you’ve admitted that your evidence is anecdotal, and misdiagnosing cancer is incredibly easy.

Look. A cure which had even a 70% success rate on “all cancer” would be the type of thing that would make the front page of every national newspaper for a month. Hell, even just one type of cancer for which no such cure previously existed would be a big deal. The fact that such a broad cure is essentially impossible given the wide range of diseases we clump together as “cancer” doesn’t make your story any more credible. But if this is legitimate, then publish it. Put it out there for real oncologists to examine. Help lead the way to one of the most significant breakthroughs in medical science and win a nobel prize for the research which is more than deserving of it. And then come back here, show off that Nobel, and I will dance around in a frilly Tu-Tu on webcam singing “I’m sorry I was so wrooooong, that’s why I’m singing this soooooong, I’m sorry, so sorry, so sorry, so sorryyyyyyy… To have questioned your genius!”


(Why yes, I have had prior experience with this. Why do you ask?)

What are your qualifications to evaluate the effectiveness? And where do you obtain the case studies you’re presenting?

As for a best case, it’s hard to pinpoint one, but here’s an experience with Dr. William Courtney treating an 8-month old child with high-CBD cannabis oil. No surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation - just oil, and in months the tumor starts to regress substantially.

Also I see a part of was quoted which I did not write. There are several parts of Phoenix Tears written by Rick Simpson, including that above quote. I do not use cannabis oil myself, as of the moment. I wrote the front page and Media Bomb sections of the website, and helped with other design aspects.

The case studies in my report have been collected over years of being in this movement.

What makes your claims any different from the claims of Tullio Simoncini or Jim Humble?

Seems like witnessing to me, which would make this the correct forum.

I also need to reiterate I understand how crazy this sounds, Budget Player. That cannabis can do all these incredible things, and it’s not out yet, and I’m here talking about it on this forum. This is only one path to change, as this is a large forum with very smart people and I wanted you guys to see this and discuss it. I LOVE THIS. I love being challenged on all of these issues, and I’ll show all of you the truth of this.

I discuss in my conclusion why this isn’t out yet. General ignorance and disbelief is part of it, funding trials is difficult (as has been pointed out by Fear Itself), and other cultural things. I’m personally surprised more hasn’t been done yet, I can’t explain it all. But just because the studies haven’t been done doesn’t mean it’s not true. And if you examine the remarkable scientific studies, the peer-reviewed ones showing the plethora of mechanisms by which cannabinoids exert therapeutic effects, along with all the experiences, it’s just undeniable stuff.

The bottom line - it’s not a coincidence there are dozens of studies showing cannabinoids kill cancer cells, and people are using concentrated cannabinoids to eliminate cancer in themselves. Just like how their are studies for epilepsy showing it might work in humans, and it actually is working in humans, as demonstrated by the Realm of Caring patients.

My claims are different because I’m not the one making the claims. I’ve simply assembled the claims of many other people and made one metaclaim, so to say. Unlike other treatments, which had one main proponent, this movement has dozens of small and large leaders alike. Shona Banda, Aamann Degarth, Dennis Hill, David Triplett, Kyle Marsh, Tony Verzura, the Stanley brothers, Dr. Robert Melamede, Dr. William Courtney, Regina Nelson and Mark Pedersen… that’s just a small sample of all the people leading in their own way. It’s not just one person doing this, it’s many people using many different types of extracts, all observing miraculous results. It’s that level of replication which makes this different. And the science really is amazing, and no one has challenged me yet on the human body being programmed to kill cancer cells. The science totally suggests that, and that’s why it makes sense the clinically-proved effects would transfer to humans.