Cannibal in South Beach - Someone buy this dude a Big Mac

You just might end up losing face?

Nicholas Cage and John Travolta could not be reached for comment.

[spoiler]You wanna take his face–

          Yes. Take his face *off*.[/spoiler]

Apparently they did try shooting him, but he just growled at them and kept eating. That freaks me out. Also that the victim’s eyeballs were gone.

I guess don’t understand how Big Macs deter zombies?

Little, if any, meat content.

The attacker has been identified. Victim’s name withheld while they notify kin.

Just saw this in the paper. Why didn’t the victim fight back?

Close… Soylent McGreen.

so the documentaries got it all wrong. a zombie would not abandon a kill to chase after you. good to know.

I heard on the news this morning that the police are claiming a “bad batch of acid” has hit the streets of Miami. They say that it causes the body temperature to rise so high that the users feel the need to strip and that it messes up your brain so much you do things like try and eat your buddy’s face.

I still say they’re trying to keep the population calm while they try and stop the zombie apocalypse.

Ha! In this day and age, in this economy, in the south? The beginnings of a zombie outbreak would cause a bigger tourist boom than a confirmed bigfoot capture.

If anything, they’d just be delaying the official announcement until they can get the special hunting licenses prepared and the hotels staffed up.

“I wouldn’t say he had mental problems…” said the suspect’s ex-wife.

Sugar, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and speculate that people without severe mental illness do NOT go out and chew people’s faces off, no matter what drugs they’re on.

Ahh, yes. I remember the early 70s when a rash of bad acid caused twelve face-chewing deaths in San Francisco in a matter of months.

In all seriousness, I could believe this homeless guy was on acid, though it sounds more like PCP. Either way, I’m sure he was completely mentally fucked well before he took whatever drug(s) that he did.

I would guess the drug was very likely sherm. If not, then perhaps bath salts.

No, not with face. Pinot Grigio and haricot vert go better with face.

If you come across a link to the picture of the victim, do not click on it. You will be much better off without that image in your mind.

PBR goes well with ass. Add some saltine crackers if you wanna get all fancy and shit.

This is why, back around the time PCP first hit the streets, that the cops decided that the venerable .38 Special revolver just wasn’t enough gun.

I think this had more to do with it.

1986 FBI Miami shootout - Wikipedia

There were reports of a fight. Not many details. I’d imagine the victim didn’t have much of a chance. Zombie guy took quite a few bullets before he finally went down. He was growling and chewing that guys face the whole time.

Guys on drugs can have amazing strength and resistance to pain. It takes more than fists to stop them.

Little bit earlier than that.

.357 Magnum.